Surprise Gone Wrong

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Avatar for Judith1969
3 years ago

July 23, 2021

 I was planning a surprise for my kids for the arrival of their dad.

You can read it here.

All the while I thought that I can pull this through but there are several forces that does not allow my surprise to be successful.

Up unto the time of my hubby's schedule of arrival to Cebu has been followed but what I have not considered is the local government unit (LGU).

Upon their arrival at the airport, swab test was taken immediately and then they were transported to the hotel for their quarantine. And that hotel was not the one that my hubby mentioned previously. The hotels he mentioned are just within our city but they are placed in a hotel in another city, almost an hour drive away.

That is surprise gone wrong #1.

I thought once the swab test result is out and a negative that is, they will be allowed to go home on their own.

So here goes surprise gone wrong #2

Well, I thought wrong. His companions who are not from Cebu will be fetched by OWWA (Overseas Workers Welfare Administration) and will be brought back to the airport to be transported to their provinces.

While my hubby who is the only one who hails from Cebu has to complete his ten days quarantine at the hotel. After the ten days quarantine our LGU (local government unit) will be the one who will fetch him from the hotel to be transferred to our LGU’s quarantine facility or to our house for the additional 4 days quarantine. If ever he will be placed in our house, the LGU will still have to check the room where he will be staying. If it passed inspection, then they will approve the house quarantine. Their only requirement is that the room must have it’s own comfort room, in which our master bedroom has one, so probably, he will be finishing his quarantine period in our house.

Because I cannot go through with the planned surprise, I have to make revisions. I gathered the kids in my room and made a video call with their dad. Once the call went through we then announced that he is now in a hotel in Cebu. And they were surprised by this. They thought that he was still in Egypt as they saw a post in Facebook from my hubby's companions tagging him in the picture. My hubby, who I told not to post pictures, tried to hide. But he was called by his companions. He has no choice but to join in the picture taking.

Grabbed from Facebook post, with permission.

And that is surprise gone wrong #3.

The kids saw the Facebook post and I didn’t. I was the one who was surprised when they showed it to me.

 Till next time, folks.

Thanks for dropping by.


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Avatar for Judith1969
3 years ago


Hahhhaha preparing for a surprise but youre the 1 whose been surprised😂

$ 0.01
3 years ago

oo nga na shock ako. hahaha

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Oh well. What's important is he and his companions arrived safely and hopefully your husband will be with the family soon.

$ 0.00
3 years ago