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3 years ago

June 4, 2021

Have you heard of Chinkee Tan? I have been watching his Youtube Channel “Chink Positive”.

He is a motivational speaker on Money, Mindset and Success.

He has a lot of advices and learnings to share.

One particular topic that I enjoyed learning is about SCAM that is making us poor and giving us hardships which I would like to share here with you. I just picked a few of what he has mentioned. His scam video has three parts so it would be best that you watch it yourself. I will add the link at the bottom of this article.

SCAM #1: Trusting in Luck

Are you fond of buying lotto or sweepstakes? Do you spend for hard earned money to buy these? Maybe because you are in luck all the time. But what if you are out of luck. It is not all the time that luck is always with you.

I don’t trust in luck as I am never lucky in raffles or sweepstakes. I do join raffles but only those given by the store in replace of shopping in their store. And even then, I haven’t been lucky.

Per Mr. Tan, do not rely your life in luck but instead be successful by having is four attitude.





SCAM #2: We were born poor, we will die poor.

Don’t listen to this. These are just the words of the hopeless.  You might lose your job, lose your business or lose your money but never lose HOPE.

It is not a sin that we are born poor but it is a sin if we die poor because we did not work to make our lives better.

SCAM #3: I did not finish my education, I won’t be able to succeed.

There are many who have succeeded in life without finishing college or are dropouts. Famous people in the business world have not finished their education.

John Gokongwei – was only a high school graduate when he started his business. It was many years later that he acquired a degree but he has already established Universal Robina Corporation. This reminds me, my mom was a bookkeeper of Robina Farms here in Cebu.

Steve Jobs – though he was able to get to college but he dropped out on the same year that he enrolled in one. He was the co-founder of Apple Inc.

Mark Zuckerberg – he was only in college when he co-founded Facebook.

Even Chinkee Tan, the one who enumerates these scam has not finished his college education.

There are still many successful people who did not rely on finishing their education.

Yes it is advantageous that you have a diploma but it is more important that you work hard and have some strategies.

SCAM #4: Minimum wage is enough for me.

That’s true but daily life expenses are getting more expensive by the day. Your minimum wage won’t be enough anymore. Let’s say, your family is getting bigger too, then minimum wage is again not enough.

You have a chance to a maximum income if you make it a goal and work hard to reach for it.

SCAM #5: It’s hard to earn for money.

Yes it’s true, but if you learn how then it will be easy.

SCAM #6: Money is the root of all evil.

There is nothing evil in money. It depends on the person using the money.

Money is not the root of all evil. It is the love of money that is evil.

The love of money more than friendship, the love of money more than relationship, the love of money more than your name and reputation, that is the root of all evil.

SCAM #7: Money can change a person.

The more money you have the more you become arrogant. No. Money cannot change a person but money can make the true personality of a person.

SCAM #8: Hardwork and Perseverance are the Key to success.

As mentioned above you have to have these four attitude to be successful and not just hard work and perseverance.





These are just some of the scam that we believe in but the greatest scammer is us, ourselves. This is what his part 3 of scam is all about.

To summarize it, our negative mindset is what has been scamming us.

I hope you learned something from the few snippets of information that I shared here.

Herebelow are the links to his video.

Please note that I am not promoting his videos. I just want to share my learnings.

Thank you for dropping by.  


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3 years ago


The more money you have the more you become arrogant. No. Money cannot change a person but money can make the true personality of a person.- proven lol hahahah.

Love love ko din yang c chinkee, nag avail nga kami ng isa sa webinar nya eh regarding business. sa daming shinare nya marami din matututunan talaga.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Woah! This is cool, you really summarize it all. Never believe on luck 😂.. I'm a bible a person di lang halata 😂, Wala kong nabasang ganon 😂 .. Hinde din ako nakapagcollege kayA hirap ako magapply. kayA binuild up ko sarili ko, naghanap Ng talent na pwede ko din pagkakitaan. And I'm a volunteer auditor ng isang big church.. how? Nagself study ako 😂. Sobra Sakin Ang minimum wage 😂, maybe because I'm a minimalist .. And yes, di lang puro sipag, dapat may diskarte din .. .. love love this article

$ 0.05
3 years ago

His reasoning defies the words of Jesus. The Lord said, "The poor you will always have with you." Are these poor less honorable than th rich is God's eyes? No. On the other hand, yes, we should use our God-given talents to move up the ladder of success, for slothfulness is a sin. Lastly, we WILL all die poor, for what person can take his/her wealth to the grave?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes, please do watch the videos. Another scam he mentioned is you cannot bring your wealth to the grave, which I have not included above.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Sorry, I am much too busy. This man is also a grifter in my opinion.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

could be. but no harm in just watching his videos, there are tips given that are helpful anyway.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

There is no substitute for hard work. You are right, our background should not keep our back on the ground. A lot of people give excuses that they were born poor but it is important we try not to repeat the mistakes of our parents.

I have never been a huge fan of lottos...I don't have luck with them. I believe in hard work while trusting God to bless everything I put my efforts into. Most of the problem when people have different mentality is because they are not willing to do the work so they want the easy way. If it were easy, we wouldn't have Bill Gates and all these amazing people we see as inspiration today. Ease is a threat to work.

Thank you for sharing these amazing points.

$ 0.03
3 years ago

Number 7 is the best 👌🏻 It is So true!

$ 0.01
3 years ago