Random Act of Crochet Kindness

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Avatar for Judith1969
3 years ago

June 19, 2021

I had just finished my last order of Snow White Crochet Dress for a six years old little girl and seem lost on what to crochet next. The crochet tops I made are still waiting to be sold. My inventory stocks have filled up a box already. I don’t know when I can join a bazaar yet as I don’t want to expose my personal staff to sell because of the pandemic.

I posted in noise.cash asking for any suggestions that might trigger me to create other stuff. @bbghitte suggested to make a bag with BCH logo. I want to try this but I still have to create a pattern for the logo and this takes time. Another suggested to make a mobile legend animal like the bee. I did look into this and found some patterns that are for sale. Although I can create my own by just looking at the item that I want to follow, I would love to search for free patterns to make it easier and faster. Patterns do take time to make.

As I was tagged as spam at noise.cash, I lessen my time spent at noise and spend longer time in Facebook. Anyway, it is in Facebook that I have joined several crochet groups. And it is in scrolling thru Facebook posts that I saw a posts in one for the group that I haven’t joined before, the Random Acts of Crochet Kindness. I immediately asked to join the group.


I remember before, way back in 2019, I saw a post about a depressed 22 year old girl who uses crochet to distract her from negative thoughts and fight depression. She crocheted flowers and lots of flowers. And because this healed her, she randomly leaves these flowers wherever she go with a note “If you find this, feel free to take it home with you, I hope it brings a smile in your face.”

I tried to emulate her and made flowers and leave them behind randomly with the same note as hers. I was able to place some in ATM machines, at a restaurant and at a park. But because I was having bazaars by then the making of flowers was put on shelf. Eventually I forgot about it.


Come 2020, the pandemic strikes. I was crocheting masks and thought of leaving some in random places. I was able to leave some behind with a note “If you need me, I am yours. You may want to wash me first before using.”

After leaving a few behind in the church and in supermarkets, my kids told me to stop. They said it is not proper as I might be accused of spreading the virus instead of helping.

So that again, was stopped.


I found the group page of Random Acts of Crochet Kindness because of this cute worry worm.

I learned that the person who created this page was none other than Olivia, the depressed girl who found crochet as her solace. I really appreciate her for doing this, giving smiles in our own little way.

There were a lot who posted on the group page from those who found these worry worms and all appreciates her effort. Many crochet enthusiasts also joined her campaign. And I am joining too, here in my place.

I was able to make two worry worms yesterday afternoon, yes only two as we have to leave the house for the bank. I added a note that is printed from the PDF shared in the group. On our way home, we passed by Jollibee for a snack and I was able to leave one of the worry worms on one of the table there. While we were eating I keep watch if somebody will pick it up. Two Jollibee crews who passed by the table just looked at it. In another table beside it sat a pregnant lady. She just came in with her friend. While waiting for their order she saw the worry worm and get up to pick it up. She read the note and smiled. I smiled too. It warms my heart to see that smile and I like the feeling it gave me.

The other worry worm was left in a shelf at supermarket. I hope somebody is going to pick it up.

For now, I am making more of the worry worms. I enjoy making it and keep on smiling while crocheting. It does relieve some of my stress.

Random acts of kindness are not limited to the abovementioned things. There are a lot of ways to show kindness.

A smile could lighten up one’s day. But it would be difficult to do this these days as our lips are being covered by face masks.

A tip given to the delivery boy even how small it might be, will be most welcome.

If you are in noise.cash, complimenting on someone’s post or replying to their comments is another act of kindness.

Even a simple thank you to the waiter will put their tiredness away.

Spread some random acts of kindness today, it will only take a few minutes of your time and may not cost a thing. For it can instantly turn someone’s day around.

Should you want to make the worry worms, here is the pattern below. I based this on the YouTube tutorial of Hooked by Robin.

Worry Worm Pattern

Chain 30

Slip stitch in the second chain from hook.

4 single crochets in every chain across until only 1 chain is left.

On the last chain, make 10 double crochets and fasten off.

Hide loose ends. Add eyes of your preference. I chose googly eyes and use glue to attached them.


Thanks for dropping by.


$ 14.50
$ 14.22 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @bbghitte
$ 0.10 from @fantagira
+ 3
Sponsors of Judith1969
Avatar for Judith1969
3 years ago


These are adorable Judith and such a great idea to bring a smile to somebody's face.

I am so sorry to hear about your bad rating at noise cash. I see a lot of this happening to good users/creators and it bothers me a lot. I hope it will improve for you in a while. When my tips dropped significantly, I posted less and less and liked less too, but making sure I was commenting when I liked something. It helped.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Thanks. Yep, I do make comments instead of posting 3 -5 posts in a day. I just hope my situation at noise will improve. Just having fun for now scrolling thru other's posts.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That’s the only thing you can do for now. Fingers crossed tips will come back soon 💙

$ 0.00
3 years ago

These worms are really nice. I didn't found any. However, seen this made me smile. :) I've used to make some crochet a few years ago. I enjoyed doing some endless scarves and a lot of granny squares. Now that I'm thinking about it, I don't remember why I stopped. I was never an expert as it seems you are. But it was a very relaxing hobby.

I'm sorry to hear about the bad rating of your Noise account, and I hope that you will recover it soon.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Thank you. I am not an expert at crochet myself, there is always something new to learn. 😁🧡😍 Hope you get back the urge to crochet. it is quite relaxing.
Thanks about my noise. Maybe somebody rated me as spam. 😥

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ay pano makakuha ng worry worm na yan ate, sana makarating yan sa Ilocos..hehe

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I can send some to you. 😁🤗 PM me your address.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ay wow tlaga ate? Sige sagot ko na shipping fee😊. Pm kita😊

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yup, Will send some, hope you can spread the smile too.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I will Ate. Thank you😊😊😊

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You should not give up on noise cash. Everyone affected from new updates. But noise cash is the platform that has facing the issue of spammer so I think you should join again. Your design is far better. Yeah!F acebook has good pages for design flower facemask etc. You can search there also.

$ 0.00
3 years ago