Of Boils and Ref Magnets

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Avatar for Judith1969
2 years ago

September 16, 2021

I am feeling under the weather lately. A boil starts to grow in my lower left abdomen last Sunday. It started with a very small tiny red dot and it grows into more than a half inch in size.

Per webmd.com -

If basing on Mr. Webmd, I still have until the end of the week to suffer this pain. I am currently putting on warm compresses to ease the pain and at the same time draw the pus upper to the surface. I soak a face towel in warm water, squeeze out the extra water and pressed the face towel to the boil. I let it stay there until the face towel cools down and repeat the process again.

I also covered the wound with Malabar spinach. The leaf of Malabar spinach is first pounded to release its juices and then is placed on top of the wound. This is an old age way of healing wounds. I got this from my grandmother. I really don’t know if it is effective but it helps ease the pain for a bit.

Hopefully the pus will burst after several compresses and will be drained. Once the pus is gone, all I need to do is wash the wound with antibacterial soap or wound washer (I have this on hand – brand is Betadine), apply ointment and cover with bandage. I hope this will happen very soon so that I will no longer be in pain.

That boils is just a side topic. The main topic is the ref magnet collections.

I read @JRamona20 things that she collects. There are other posts as well about the things they collect but I can’t recall who they are. I just happened to read them before.


  • The very main reason we collect things is for treasuring memories. Wherever we go, we see to it that we bring something to remember by of that place that we visit. This is what we call as souvenir.

  • Another reason is that it will serve as evidence that we actually, was able to visit or travel to that certain place.

  • For decoration.

Wherever I go, I tend to buy these souvenirs. Not just one but many. My other reason is for giving it to friends. So when my friends get to travel on their own too, they also gave me souvenirs from the places they’ve been too. This is sort of a barter or exchange.

My souvenir collections are ref magnets and key chains. For this article, I will just talk about my ref magnets as my key chains are safely hidden yet in my drawer.

Let me start with my favourite ref magnets. These are from Egypt. They were souvenirs bought by my husband when they were able to dock in Egypt. The camel is my most loved one. I can keep on changing his footsteps.

Another ref magnet that I love is from Korea. This is given to me by an officemate who happened to have her vacation right before the pandemic strikes. The three cute little kids were bought by my husband. There were four of them but I gave one to a close friend who also happens to collect ref magnets

This camel ref magnet is another memorable one. This was given to me by one of the managers in our company. He became part of a close circle of friends and when he came home from his short stint in Dubai, he gave me this camel.

I may have mentioned in my previous posts that my hubby is a seaman. They dock wherever part of the world their cargo sent them. So every time he has the opportunity, he always buys me ref magnets. Talking about a supporting husband.

Because of the pandemic, they were not allowed to go out of the ship. But there are officials from the different countries they docked in who will go up to their ship for inspection. Some of this officials have side lines like selling souvenirs and chocolates to the seamen on board. So even if he was not able to roam around the country he was still able to buy souvenirs, just like these ref magnets from Panama.

My brother was sent to Japan by their company for a six months training. When he came home after the contract ends, he gifted me with ref magnet from Japan. The other one is from my officemate who also was able to have their family vacation in Japan. How lucky they are. I really wish to visit Japan too. I hope this dream will come into fruition once the pandemic ends.

And then, there’s Singapore. I have been there twice, first as official work and the next time was with my kids for a short vacation. In both times, I bought ref magnets as souvenirs. A lot of officemates were able to have their vacation in Singapore too. This is because airlines gave cheap fares to Singapore. They also gave me ref magnets.

And of course, my beloved country won’t be left behind. It’s more fun in the Philippines. It’s more colourful too.

There are more of them sticking to the ref door and at the sides. I am sure if I place them all here, it will be boring you so I just chose a few.

Aside from ref magnets as a souvenir, there are also key chains, shirts, pouches and a lot more that can be purchased as a memento for your travel. What would yours be? Care to share?


 That’s all for now folks.

Thanks for dropping by.

I am forever grateful to these beautiful people who extends their support and love. You guys ROCK!

Thanks for the 🧡🧡🧡.


$ 6.07
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$ 0.05 from @CoquiCoin
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Avatar for Judith1969
2 years ago


Oh, I hope your boil is already disappearing. Cute magnets collection 💙

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sana po ay gumaling na po agad ang boils nyo soon. At sobrang dami nyo pong ref magnets. Ang cute po nung MerLions hahahha. Samin po puro letters lang yung ref magnets eh hahaha.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I hope you feel better soon. I have some ref magnets from the places I've visited, but I can't say I collect them. And you have some cool ones. :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Grabe ang dami te. Ref magnet collector 😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I guess I will start doing collections hihi, ang gaganda ate 😍 Napaka supportive ng hubby mo sobra .

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Unti-unting pag collect at dadami din yan. Mga ilang taong kaya tong collection ko. 😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I hope the pain will be gone and I'm hoping it will never happen again maam Judith.🙏

Wow! Ang dami po ma'am tapos a cucute pa.🥰 Na amazed ako dun sa Singapore.😁❤️

Take care always ma'am.🙏

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thanks Ramona. Really still in pain right now. 😥🧡

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Everything will be alright maam Judith..🙏 tiwala lang po tayo mawawala na rin po yan...🙏

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, I buy souvenirs during travels, usually a shirt. I do get stuff for my family. But I am not into collecting. It is my Mom, who does. She has a collection of spoons. And since it accumulated, we had it mounted and framed.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Now I wonder how does these spoons look like. 😁 That quite a unique collection. 🧡

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I will post it in noise... so you can see it

$ 0.00
2 years ago

ok. thanks

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I love all of them. At first, I never thought of collecting anything until I saw your collection. Now, I will start my collectinf journey.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

It's really nice to have something to look back from time to time. 🧡👍

$ 0.00
2 years ago