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Avatar for Judith1969
2 years ago

August 6, 2021

 Yey. It's a holiday.

August 6 is always declared a holiday in our city, Cebu City, as it is the Foundation Anniversary of Cebu Province. The holiday is extended to the highly urbanized cities of Mandaue City, Cebu City, Lapu-lapu City, Danao City and Toledo City, meaning, the whole of Cebu Island in on holiday

 Earlier this week I wrote a short post that I will be making up to you my friends by visiting your accounts, reading your stories, give a thumbs up and probably leave upvotes on this day as there's no work on a holiday.

I thought I have the whole day to do this. But something came up that I need to prioritise or else I won't be able to read your articles.

Can you guess what that is?

Yep, I need to have my eyeglasses repaired or else all I can see is a blur. The lens on the right side of my eyeglasses keeps falling off. I am afraid that I might step on it and break it. So might as well have it repaired right away. So we went to SM City, where the supplier of my eyeglasses has a shop.

It took only a few minutes to repair the eyeglasses but I have to accompany my hubby on his errands. Every time he is home, he always find something to repair or build. So we drop by Ace Hardware for his requirements.

As not all were found in Ace Hardware, we plan to drop by another mall where Handyman, another hardware shop, has a store inside. But before that we first look for something to eat for lunch.

I don’t want to eat inside the restaurants so we just ordered for take out. We ate our lunch inside the car.

We then proceed to Parkmall where Handyman is located inside. This mall has an area for vaccination, so we first tried to get in the line for a possible walk in vaccination. But to our dismay, their cut-off was at 1pm and we arrived there at 1:30pm. We were no longer allowed entry.

So we just proceed on the errands at hand.

Another happening within the week was the news of the passing of my aunt. She has been bedridden for almost two years already. No more pain for her now. God bless and rest her soul.

So after finishing off of my hubby's errands we went straight to my aunt's wake and visit with my cousin. It took less than an hour as they still have to rest.

On our way home, we drop by Seaman's Hospital in the hope again that my hubby can do a walk in vaccination. After a few interview in step 2, he was finally moving forward to have his vaccination.

While me on the other hand was left outside the vaccination area, under a tent with the heat of the sun high up in the sky, fanning myself while writing a draft for this article. I did bought with me an old work in progress crochet project but I forgot to put the hook inside the bag. I was not able to do some crocheting today.

Venue of vaccination at Seamen's Hospital

Finally after a few hours, my hubby came out vaccinated with Moderna. We were told only Moderna or Pfizer are being given to seafarers as there are other countries who will not receive them if they are not vaccinated with Moderna or Pfizer.

I am now home, finalizing and publishing this article of the day. I still have thirty minutes to check on your accounts as I will be hearing mass by 8pm for my aunt’s nightly novena.

After that, I hope I still have the strength to visit your accounts.

This is how I spent my holiday while others spent their day at the beach, as seen on their posts in Facebook. Well, family and health first before leisure.

Thanks for dropping by.

Thanks for the 🧡🧡🧡.

Lead image by Unsplash.



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Avatar for Judith1969
2 years ago


Hello, Judith1969. Thanks for sharing your holiday. Sad about your aunt, but positive that your husband got vaccinated. I hope you had enough time to read the comments. Happy day my friend.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you. I do have time to read comments and articles but only a few from time to time. I do want to cover a lot but time is limited. Thanks for dropping by.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sounds like a productive day although some bad news too. Sorry for your loss.

I hope there is no side effect of the vaccination.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks, no more pain for her now and my uncle can have a proper rest, he's been her nurse since she went bedridden. Thanks God, no side effects.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Buti te naeenjoy mo life kht may covid jan 😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago

What a busy holiday Ate Judith, hirap talaga ng masiraan ng salamin lalo na pag malabo po mata, good thing naayos na, I am sorry about your loss din po, may her soul rest in peace, and good news that your hobby got vaccinated too atlis less worries na tayo on the virus but still let's follow the health protocol para protektodo tayo, Ingat po palagi

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Pahirap talaga ate pag walang eyeglasses, ate...promise. Hugs to tita :(

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have a doctor's of eyeglasses too ma'am Judith. His clinic located near at Cebu Doctors Hospital. I missed Parkmall maam. How many times I went there.. Sorry for what happened to your aunt ma'am..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Good that ur glasses are now fixed.. Oh sori about your aunt but ur ryt mo more pain for her.. Thats good ur huby got his dose👍💪

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you. Really important to have the glasses repaired. My work depends on my eyes. 😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I wish you a good holiday and may you have enough time to accomplish what you set out to do today.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you. We have one errand that we forgo for tomorrow as it was late already after the vaccination. 😘

$ 0.00
2 years ago