Grieving For Luzon

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Avatar for Judith1969
3 years ago

Philippines is an archipelago with three island groups, Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao.

This year the island of Luzon has been hit by many disasters.

We are all aware that beginning early this year, everywhere in the world has been worrying about the pandemic that originated in China, the covid19 virus. Many were afflicted by the virus, my country included.

But aside from the virus, there are more disasters that ravaged our country particularly in Luzon.

At the beginning of this year, Taal Volcano in Bantangas erupted and has spewed ashes in the neighboring places. A lot of crops has been damaged. Many Batangueneos were left without homes. Airports were closed due to zero visibility because of the haze brought by the flying ashes. The people in Luzon were the first to require in wearing masks.

In less than 2 months, covid19 virus entered the Philippines thru Luzon. They have the highest number of positive cases all throughout the Philippines.

Philippines experience more or less 26 typhoons in a year. Some are just weak and brought with them slight rain and not so strong winds. But there are others that are classified as super typhoon. These typhoons made a landfall in various places in the Philippines. Like in 2017, the stroing typhoon landed in the Mindanao Islands. Oftentimes it lands in the Visayas Island like what happened in Samar and Leyte in 2013 wherein the typhoon creates a Tsunami and killed thousand of my fellow Filipinos. That typhoon was named Yolanda.

Now, 2020, while we are still worrying about the spread of the virus, super typhoon Rolly enters at the northern part of Luzon. It brings strong winds and heavy rains. A lot of crops and houses were damaged. Many trees fell and there are also casualties as the water rises and creates flooding. While typhoon Rolly was leaving Luzon, typhoon Siony enters. Though not as strong as typhoon Rolly, but still it brings heavy rains, adding to the rising of flood water.

The flood has not subsided yet when another super typhoon hits Luzon again. This time it is super typhoon Ulysses. It also brings heavy rains and strong winds. This time it made its landfall at the center of the metro, Metro Manila.

Because of the unceasing rain, the water dam wall gave way resulting to more flooding in the city. The water rises up to 15 feet high. Many residents climbed up to their roof waiting to be rescued. Many have drowned, properties were damaged.

Because the land has been wet for quite some time, landslide started to happen in some areas in Luzon.

It's a disaster after another disaster.

Sometimes, it made me think if we have made God angry. Or maybe this is a sign of God's wrath against our president. Don't mistake me, I love our president, I voted for him, he has done a lot of good for the Filipino people, but he sometimes challenged God by swearing at His servants, the priests.

Can this also be Mother Earth's revenge for taking advantage of her goodness.

Whatever that is, my fellow Filipinos in Luzon needs help. They badly need food, shelter and clothing. Covid19 prevention and safety was set aside as safety from drowning and having a place to stay becomes a priority.

I appeal to those kind-hearted readers to please help in anyway you can.

Please note that I do NOT accept donations myself.

Should you want to help out, whether in cash or in kind, please visit the Red Cross link below.

Prayers are also always welcome and appreciated.

Thank you for reading this very long article and for dropping by.

$ 9.35
$ 9.35 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Avatar for Judith1969
3 years ago


wow. this post paid you $9.. nice..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

earnings from this post was donated to Caritas to help out even just a little. 😊

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Very informative article for us about Philippines. Thanks for sharing

$ 0.00
3 years ago

he traducido tu artículo, escribe bien

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Filipinos are innate resilient people. And people in Luzon are strong and brave. Though there are tragedies, we will stand as one.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

hae its i translate your article, write well

$ 0.00
3 years ago

water dam wall gave way resulting to more flooding in the city.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

khub sundor vave Guchiye likhechen

$ 0.00
3 years ago