Graham Mango Jelly Cupcakes

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Avatar for Judith1969
3 years ago

Good day, my dear readers…. Does that sound like a tongue-twister?

 It’s been a while since I have written down something for In fact, more than a week ago, to be exact. I really don’t have the time to write daily as I have office work to do. I can only find the time on weekends or holidays, like today.

 February 24 is a non-special holiday for Cebu City as this marks the Charter Day for Cebu City in commemoration of its foundation anniversary.

February 25 is also another holiday but this is a nationwide holiday. This is to commemorate the EDSA People Power Revolution.

 A brief history about the People Power. This occurred last February 22 – 25 in 1986. People staged a revolution on the streets of Metro Manila which eventually led to the downfall of a corrupt and oppressive government. A major road called EDSA is where the crucial event occurred during the revolution. Almost 2 million Filipinos went to the street to join the protest. This is considered as historic and important day for the Filipinos as this changed and reformed the political system in the Philippines. I can't really remember the details as I was still so young then. I only watched the news on the television.

 As February 24 falls on a Wednesday and then February 25 is another holiday, our company swap the holiday to February 26 for the February 24 holiday so that we don’t have to go back to work for that just one day. We usually termed it as a sandwich day. Therefore, for us in our company, we have a four days weekend this week.

And what a better way to spend the long weekend than to try new things.

If you have been my constant follower, you would know that I am fond of watching YouTube and trying on some tutorials. There are some tutorials that I followed that were just an epic fail on my part. But that doesn’t stop me from trying a new one.

Funny, that every time I watched Youtube tutorials, it makes me want to make what they were doing. Out of all the tutorials I watched, I am only successful with the crochet part. I always have an epic fail on the cooking. But nevertheless, I still want to cook or bake. Just like the topic of this article.

I watched the Youtube tutorial yesterday afternoon and based on the ingredients that were needed, only 2 ingredients are in the pantry. So I sent a text message to my daughter to buy the rest of the ingredients on her way home from work. Yes, despite the nationwide holiday yesterday, they were asked to work on overtime.

 So, for today’s cooking, we will be making a NO BAKE, NO STEAM GRAHAM MANGO JELLY CUPCAKES.

Here are the ingredients needed to make this cupcakes:

  • ½ cup of melted butter

  • 200 grams of crushed grahams

  • 1 ½ cup of water

  • 3 tablespoon of mango jelly powder

  • 370 ml of all purpose cream

  • 390 grams of condensed milk, preferably mango condensed milk, if not available just add 1 ripe crushed mango

  • ½ tsp of vanilla extract

  • ½ tsp of yellow food color ( this is optional but it would be really nice to have the color – mine doesn’t have the yellow color and it looks so pale)

You will also need cupcake liners.

First thing to do is to mix the melted butter and the crushed grahams. It has to be mixed well until the graham will have a sandy texture.

Then scoop a tablespoon of this mixture into the cupcake liner and press until paved and is not easily breakable. Once this is done, place the ready cupcakes into the chiller. Chill for 30 to 40 minutes.

While waiting for the crust to chill you can start preparing the jelly.

Place the water in a pan and add the mango jelly powder. This has to be mixed thoroughly until all the powder has melted. Then add the all purpose cream, the condensed milk, the vanilla extract and the food colouring. Mix again and cook in a medium heat. Keep on stirring while cooking the mixture. You are done once it boils. I give a minute more before I put off the fire.

Pour this mixture into the top of the crust that was previously made and chilled. Let it cool and let the jelly set in.

And that’s it, the Graham Mango Jelly Cupcakes are done.

 This again is another epic fail for me.

 First failure is that I don’t have the exact size of the cupcake liners, hence the jelly part is too thin. Another failure is that the jelly part is too wet, it doesn’t sit well. Maybe I lack a few minutes in cooking it or I lack in the measurement for the mango jelly powder. But nevertheless, it still tastes good and delicious. Good enough for deserts.

 I was thinking, next time when I make this, I will not use cupcake liners anymore. I will make it as one whole desert inside a one big pan. The cupcakes are good enough if you are selling them but for home consumption, it would be better to make it in a one big pan. It is so tedious when making the cupcakes.

That’s all for now folks. I’ll be back in another week’s time?

 Here is the Youtube link of the tutorial that I followed.

Thanks for dropping by and please do give me a thumbs-up, subscribe and like. Hahaha… Am I in Youtube? Oooops, wrong venue.


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$ 3.60 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Avatar for Judith1969
3 years ago


I wanna try baking this one, thank you for sharing madam. More power to you.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

uy.. mukang masarap po.... more baking articles pa po.. like na like ko mga ganito topic.. food is life din..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

soon... thanks for dropping by. 😘

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wow i wish i could bake also but for now im just watching how to bake because i dont have those things that i could use in baking something ❤️❤️ you've got realy a lot of talent dear.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks ❤

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you also dear🤗

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Sounds yummy. Hindi masyado kita sa lead image yung finish product. Siguro ok din if silicone liner gamitin instead of the paper liner.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

ay, tama... may ginamit akong silicon liner, konti, pero nilagyan ko ng paper liner... Haay naku. Next time... 😁❤😍

Thanks for the upvote. ❤😘

$ 0.00
3 years ago