Cord Holders

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Avatar for Judith1969
4 years ago (Last updated: 2 years ago)

Article #3.

Crochet has been introduced to me when I was ten years old. We had a project in one of our subjects in school. Since then I got hooked.

I have stopped crocheting during my highschool and college years as I have to give priority to my studies.

Few years after graduating from college, I went back to crocheting and started selling my craft. I also joined craft bazaars and got good sales.

My most sellable item is the cord holders. Though a very small item but usable and cheap.

I am posting herewith my pattern for those who are interested to make one.

Pattern :

Chain 7.

Rnd 1. Single crochet in the second chain from hook and single crochet across.

Rnd 2. Chain 1 and turn your work. Single crochet across.

Rnd 3 - 14. Repeat Round 2

Rnd 15. Chain 5 and slip stich at the opposite end. Chain 1 and single crochet across the side of the cord. At the corner, do 3 single crochet on the same stitch. Continue single crochet across and again do 3 single croche on the same stitch at the corner. Continue single crochet at the side until the chain 5 space. Do 7 single on the chain 5 and slip stitch at the beginning of the round.

And you are done. Hide all ends and add a button.

That simple, easy and fast.

Hope you are able to follow my pattern and put to use your finished project.

Happy Crafting!

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$ 0.01 from @marblely
Sponsors of Judith1969
Avatar for Judith1969
4 years ago (Last updated: 2 years ago)


And that is why it is not bad to visit a few places with a few days off. And in this case there are two types of people. A group of young people once again to refresh themselves in a familiar place. And there is a group of people who believe in adventure. New

$ 0.00
4 years ago

If you'd like, you can change the community for this to CraftWorks :) I welcome you with open arms! And that is a cute and handy cord holder. Why didn't I think of that for my yarns? Lots of cords lying everywhere too.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

sure, I would love to...thanks

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Sorry @Judith1969, I don't think it can be done. I checked the Edit Article and the community option is no longer available once your post has been accepted by a community.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

It's okay. I made another tutorial and this time published it in the correct community. Thanks.

$ 0.00
4 years ago