Bounce Back

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3 years ago

Good day to all creators and friends here in

I would like to share with you what I have read in my journal. This journal was given to me by one of the pharmacy where I bought my hubby’s meds. It seems that they give this journal if your bill reached the required minimum amount. I initially published this in Kiki.

Hope you read this out as there are learnings that can be found here.

Bounce back after your setback!

The world’s most resilient people are not afraid of failure. Don’t let a setback bring you down, use it to fuel your passion, strengthen your pursuit and lift your spirits.

Any obstacles that are on the way of your success are forms of trials. Once you overcome these obstacles, success is sweet and meaningful.

 Be honest with yourself

The first step to moving on is wholehearted acceptance. Acceptance of your mistakes and learning from those mistakes.

In a relationship, know that this is not a one sided relationship. It is not just a mistake of the other partner. It might be yours too. When you are honest with yourself, you will try to self-acknowledge and accept your weaknesses and flaws.

Check out where you went wrong and what you can improve on.

 Let it Out

Call a friend or talk to someone about how you are feeling. But be sure that that someone is a confidante and will not inform the whole world about you. Better still, bend down your knees, bow your head and talk to God. He listens and will give you strength.

Don’t wallow in your regrets and emotions for too long. Let it out. Release it

Revisit your Reasons and Remind yourself why you wanted to achieve something in the first place.

 Maximize Your Strengths

Focus on what you’re good at and concentrate on that. Make the best of your strengths and focus on that. That’s what great leaders do.

 Be Futuristic

Set your sights on opportunities and moving forward.

Set SMART Goals.

  • Be Specific with your goals. It must be clearly defined. Make it simple and significant.

  • Make sure that it is Measurable. That it can motivate others and it is meaningful.

  • Your goals must also be Achievable. Don’t reach for the stars if you know that it cannot be reached. The goals must be attainable.

  • Goals must also be Realistic. Something that is reasonable and relevant.

  • And lastly, it is Timely. It should be time bounded. There must be a limited time to achieve such goals.

 Find Happiness

You might be busy chasing the goal that you forget how to enjoy life. Enjoy what you do or else you won’t find happiness.

I have a cartoon strip in my office which I cut from a newspaper. I got this when I was just a few days with the company I am working with now.

It was by Norman’s Island. It says, Find happiness in your work or else you’ll never find happiness.

This is my constant reminder every day as my days are always in the office at work. If I didn’t do that, for sure I will be hopping from one job to another. As is, I am now in my company for almost 25 years.


Shift your focus and lend a helping hand so you can momentarily distract yourself and heal.

Try this. Be generous. It gives such a great pleasure when you help others. You can also find happiness when you lend a helping hand. The pleasure, the happiness, the smiles you see in the faces of the people that you help with will give you great pleasure.

It doesn’t matter who many times you fail.

What matters is what you do after the failure!

Bounce Back!

Thanks for dropping by.

Lead photo from Unsplash.

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Avatar for Judith1969
3 years ago


True... Failure is part of a journey in life. No matter how many times we fall... We should learn to stand up and continue heading towards our ideal destination..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

They are the spices of life. It either makes our life sweet if we overcome it or bitter if we let it overcome our life.

$ 0.00
3 years ago