ChristmasChallenge2021: The before and after of finding Christmas.

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Avatar for JuanyChelme
2 years ago

Hi Readcash people, I was reading some posts of the #ChristmasChallenge2021 from @TengoLoTodo We are supposed to write about Christmas. So I hope this post manages to be on time for this contest, I'm always late everywhere hahaha.

What is Christmas for me?

For me, Christmas was always a time when people had fun putting up their trees and buying presents for their children, but not in my family. For us it was just an ordinary day.

Later, when I grew up, it became the date of the birth of Jesus Christ, but without most of the world, according to me, understanding its true meaning. When I began to study the Bible, I was saddened that this celebration was not given a more spiritual meaning.

Today I no longer believe in religions, perhaps otherwise in Jesus.

Now Christmas has become a beautiful day where you can celebrate it with your family, so we give it a different meaning but adequate to our convictions.

Our current celebration

The Christmas tree is the main thing for us and of course the decoration is a very important part of it.

My sister loves crafts but always wants to give a different meaning to the celebration. This year she created spheres with the names of the family pets, including the ones that went to heaven this year.

Cafe was a little dog that passed away this year, they are beings that left their mark because of the stories they carry behind them.

That is why they are remembered with much affection at this time of the year. Well, actually they are always present in our hearts.

Another thing we enjoy is preparing the gifts and it is twice as much fun since my niece Amanda has a birthday on December 27th. So we must have more gifts than usual, the ones in the picture are the ones my sister has at her house. Mine are below๐Ÿ‘‡

Over the weekend we spent the whole day looking for gifts with my mother.

You don't know how difficult it is to find the ideal gift for some members of my family and especially for our pets. Most of the gifts you see out there are for them ๐Ÿˆ.

Christmas dinner

We prepare different dishes for dinner, but they are all vegan. We made an agreement that no one eats animal meat that day.

I love making vegan lasagna. Modesty aside it turns out quite delicious.

These dishes are prepared by my sister, I have no idea how she makes them. I guess she has her secret, as the sofrito and the stuffed potatoes are very tasty.

I have tried to make them but they don't come out, although she tries to make lasagna and she can't either.

Final words

I don't have good memories of Christmases past, but I do have good memories of Christmases present.

I know many who disown these dates, saying that it only gives way to consumerism.

Well, this is my Christmas story and how I stopped being a Grinch ๐Ÿ˜.

We can all change and give our own approach to this day. Besides we should just enjoy and be with the most beautiful thing we humans have in life, the "Family".

The special requirement

I love collecting 10 Chilean peso coins, I have a lot of them, each one is worth about 0.01 cents.

So I created the word READ with them, so that they also know one of our currencies.

Banner, separator and cover image created in: Canva

The rest of the images are my property.

$ 6.11
$ 3.06 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 3.03 from @TengoLoTodo
$ 0.01 from @Mazekin
+ 1
Sponsors of JuanyChelme
Avatar for JuanyChelme
2 years ago


You did it my beautiful Juany, you won $3 prize in my #ChristmasChallenge2021 , thank you so much for entering and enjoy the rest of Christmas :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I love Christmas Challenge. Christmas is big Ceremony for all. I specially like Christmas food. Merry Christmas dear mate.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Juany - It is offical, now you are not the Grinch, How interesting that you eat Vegan for Christmas DAy, I have not heard of that and you have so many Christmas presents. Yes, you made it in time. Merry Christmas Juany and thank you for entering #ChristmasChallenge2021

$ 0.00
2 years ago