s2 Word of the Day!

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Written by
4 years ago

Great Tuesday to all of you guys! This is the new day of learning again. It's @Jthan  once again Your Word Builder Buddy to this article again. An article that will expand our vocabulary.

Our word for today is,


It's pronounced:/ärˈkān/

It is defined in adjectives as "understood by few; mysterious or secret.."

SYNONYMS (similar word):  secret, hidden, concealed, covert, clandestine, enigmatic, unseen.

ANTONYMS (opposite word):  well known, open, understandable, knowable, evident, known, clear, definite.

So, if I use it in the sentence, I will say,

Most of the time my sentence is arcane to everyone. So even they read and listen about it they can't easily understand what I mean because if you really want to know it just find and uncover it.

I hope you like my example. I want to hear also something from you guys, just even write your own example in the comment below.

That's it all for today. I hope you learn something new from me. Let us learn together.

You can also review our season 1 Word of the Day.

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Written by
4 years ago


People tend to have more arcane stories that they don't want to unveil in public.

my mind's hazy today so i don't think it fits...tell me?

$ 0.00
4 years ago

That's great! you use it as describing word for the word (Story) . You always used those words very well. Thanks mmy

$ 0.00
4 years ago

i learned from you baby!!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thanks for YOUR information

$ 0.00
4 years ago

you are welcome bro. we are here to learn each other.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Arcane-not understand you hahahaha

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User's avatar errolmoako I am a thief who steals articles and claim it as my own
4 years ago

Thank you for this .But i think most of this things i already know but you remind me this thanks

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Oh that's good for you. I never encounter this word eh.. hehe

$ 0.00
4 years ago