Random Technology Hacks Information

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4 years ago

LIFE HACKS by Keith Bradford

This stuff is really helpful to each of everyone. I hope you will use it in some ways.

  • To listen to a song on YouTube on repeat, without having to keep pressing replay at the end, add “repeat” between “www.Youtube” and “.com.”

  • Go to www.youtube.com/disco and enter in an artist’s name. YouTube will auto arrange an awesome playlist based on uploads of that artist.

  • You can go on NameChk.com to see every website where your username has been used.

  • Open an incognito tab in your browser and sign into Pandora to get unlimited skips for free.

  • Can’t afford Microsoft Word? Get OpenOffice; it’s the same thing except it’s free and has a lot more features.

  • If your camera ever gets stolen, go to StolenCameraFinder.com. You can upload an old photo from your camera and it will show you if someone has been posting images with the same serial number on the Internet.

  • If you lost an Android phone in your house and it’s on vibrate, you can find it by logging in to Android Device Manager online and clicking ring.

  • Ever wonder why phone cords are so short? Using your phone while it’s charging can damage the battery.

  • When streaming Netflix on a computer, if the stream quality is sub-par, press “Control + Alt (Opt) + Shift + S” in order to change the buffering rates. Changing it to 3000 will give you HD video.

  • Cleaning out your Windows computer? Search “size:gigantic” and it’ll display all the files on your computer greater than 128mb.

  • Before going to a suspicious site, Google “safebrowsing:(website)” to see a ninety-day history of malware attempts on its visitors.

  • If your phone battery is really low and you need it for later, don’t turn it off. Instead, put it on airplane mode. Turning it off and on will actually waste more battery than keeping it on airplane mode.

  • You can search “[month][year]” in Wikipedia to give you all the major world news for that month.

  • Instead of using the “Ctrl + Alt + Del” function to go to the task manager in Windows, press “Ctrl + Shift + Esc” to open it up right away.

  • Forgot your computer password? Boot up in safe mode (F8 during startup), log in as the administrator, and then change your password.

  • When installing software always use the custom installation option. This will show you exactly what you’re downloading and prevent you from installing unwanted toolbars and software.

  • When you copy something from the Internet use “Ctrl + Shift + V” to paste it. This will prevent the text from formatting.

  • To skip a YouTube ad, just change “youtube” to “youtubeskip” in the URL of any video.

  • When signing up for a website, don’t answer the security questions honestly. You’ll actually protect your account and identity more if you always use the same wrong answers.

  • You can enter a show you like on Televisor.com and it will recommend new shows to watch and where to find them online.

  • View blocked sites by clicking the “cached” button beside the link on a Google search.

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Written by
4 years ago



$ 0.00
4 years ago

Informative, there's a lot more to learn while reading here.🖒

$ 0.00
4 years ago

thnks for the comment

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Very informative. I learn many things in this article

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4 years ago


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4 years ago

technology grows now.

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4 years ago