How to save your heart?

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3 years ago

Every one of us felt broken-hearted. Sometimes to our beloved like friends, close friends, our relatives, and the opposite sex or love ones. That's feeling was not good for us. We felt frustration, discouragement, and even sadness in the long term. And we want to avoid and prevent such feelings. So this is a simple thing we should, know, don't, and just to do.

What we SHOULD do?

  • Never expect. Just simple as that never expect even little or too much. Never expect, just trust the people surround us and never ever expect to avoid frustration, disappointment, and other things towards the person.

  • Never demand. If you don't expect don't also demand any people we know. Sometimes we are so demanding in doing or not doing such things for us. We forgot to accept and love the people for who they are and not for what we want for them.

  • Never assume. Yeah as you can see and notice this word is interrelated to each other and almost the same but assuming is not only expecting but also we picture out the people we want not the people as who they are. Assuming is something quite bad to any relationship because it takes for granted the person.

What we must KNOW?

  • Your Limitation. As you don't expect and assure to others we must know our limitation as a human. But don't your limitation dictates you must do. We are limit as a human. Limited in understanding and comprehension so don't always play that we know all things.

  • Where you stand. Always remember where we stand for and what we believe in. Love is a choice and doesn't ever lean by your emotion because emotion is deceitful and changeable. Stand for truth and love alone not in our own interest and sake.

  • Your role. Most of the time in love we forget our role. If you enter the love relationship in any of that your first role is to love and that it. Some of us know love is giving and taking but the very meaning of love, Love is a firm decision that even we don't have to take we still give it the love unconditionally. That is the love that Jesus wants to show to us. Our very role is to give love and don't mind taking it that is the bonus matter.

What we DON'T do?

  • Get affected. Don't get affected by the saying of others toward to you. Don't affect your decision in your emotion because the only outcome of that is destruction. Just stand and give your best choice.

  • Get jealous. Love is not jealous but not approve of the wrongdoing. Jealous is only from God because all we are God's property and He is the one who has the right to Jealous of us. Jealousy is not applicable to us because we don't have anything in this world even the very person loving us. However, in the sense of marriage, the two people united as one will have any authority to jealous of each other but must not be affected in the jealous mind that causes evil deeds.

  • Get paranoid. Many of us get paranoid in loving others. That was wrong if we surely accept and except our very role, to love. Don't get mad about anything instead of the situation that we can't control go to God and pray for it because He controls everything.


  • Lean in God's love and be Happy! Always remember even someone don't and can't love us. God always loves us no matter is. The very important love we must get and receive is the Love of God. Because even you loved by everyone in this world but the love of God was not in you it still NOTHING at All. God loves us!

1 Corinthians 13:1Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.

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Written by
3 years ago


Sometimes I'm expecting things from others. Specially if you do gave them a great favor and they promised you something in return. Well if they just ask me for small help, yeah it's always for free no need to bribe or promise things.😆🖒

But at the of the day I always accept the facts that people are different from each other so, I always understand any circumstances that will happen to me. I always learn everyday so thank you for sharing this my friend.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thats life is,.. But sometimes we forget to love our selves first because of too much love for the others.. And you are right if you dont want to get heart broken near in the future. Dont expect dont assume never demand. and knw your limits...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

wow, that's for the valuable feedback and for your upvotes. I really appreciated that.

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3 years ago

Well said Liked your article Check my new article

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Simple but facts, expecatations leads to disappointments, youre right, and be patient in terms of love, no need to pressure, live is all about waiting for the right time and person, so better do that.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

thanks for the comment Pluma.

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3 years ago