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4 years ago

No more introduction because this was serious. hehe

Did You Know That Albert Einstein's brain was stolen when he died?

yeah., That was true!

We all knew ALBERT EINSTEIN, the genius man who ever lived.

Albert Einstein, the Nobel prize-winning physicist who gave the world the theory of relativity, E = mc2, and the law of the photoelectric effect, obviously had a special brain.

When Nobel Prize-winning physicist Albert Einstein passed away on April 18, 1955, he left behind specific instructions when it came to the disposal of his body, according to one National Geographic investigation. Einstein didn't want his corpse to be worshiped or his brain to be studied, so he instructed those who were responsible for his remains to "cremate them, and scatter the ashes secretly in order to discourage idolaters."

However, Thomas Harvey, the pathologist on call when Einstein died at New Jersey's Princeton Hospital, didn't quite follow those instructions. Instead, he stole Einstein's brain. From there, things got even weirder. When Einstein's family found out, his son apparently didn't object to the theft and Harvey was able to keep the brain in two jars in his basement before moving it to "a cider box stashed under a beer cooler."

It's a story that's not garnering as much attention. It happened just eight hours after the legendary physicist passed away on April 18, 1955. Princeton Hospital pathologist Dr. Thomas Stoltz Harvey was performing the autopsy and, when nobody was looking, he did the unthinkable: He stole Albert Einstein's brain.

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That's it. I just want to share with you that trivia. hehe

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Written by
4 years ago


He was a genius... so it was was out of curiosity, I guess..

$ 0.00
4 years ago

maybe thats the reason why.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Hhmm yeah. I watch this on youtube this is real happened when einstein died.

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4 years ago

Good Sceintist

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4 years ago

Amazing. My dear friend visit my new article

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