BCH games Gambling trick
So im start playing bch games i've deposit my balance because my balance stopped earning so i've decided to deposit it in bch games
So this is my starting balance in bch.games
and i tried thier auto playing
i set my payout on x5 or x4 to x3 depends on balance
and set the streak on lose in
50%,40,30% the lower the percent the more rolls you can make to lose all of your balance.
This is my settings in auto play👇👇👇
Payout= x5 to x3
Base BET= 10 or 5 if low balance try 2
Set Lose streak to 50%-40% if low balance try 30%
This is i got on some rolls it takes 10-20 Lose streak
So for now this my balance
My Goal is 100k sats on bch per day
So thats it, Goodluck in gambling🤗
You got the trick definitely, but still its by chance to have an enought earning on playing that game, maybe have moderation to others who deposited to avoid much loss of balance,anyway its a good gambling game to play, and maybe others have luckiness on playing that game.goodluck.