Have you thought about the effects? They are Powerful.

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1 year ago

Any powerful thing has great influence on human beings either negatively or positively. Whatever name you give your dog, that it will answer. You reflect your environment, people around you, what you consistently see, perceive and hear. When you open your mouth to call your hand blessed consistently, the brain activates it into your unconscious and conscious mind hereby acting it intentionally or unintentionally causing the universe to bring forth what you have invoked for yourself " blessing" using just a word or few words . This is mystery. There is power in repetition ; there is power in what you call yourself and what somebody calls you especially repeatedly.

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The word power has ability, capacity and capabilities in it. Words are not living things but they carry meaning and action. When you want to drink water, you request for a cup and it will be brought to you but when you want to drink water and requested for spoon, spoon will be brought to you but you can't use it to achieve the purpose you intended which is to drink water. This is what happens when you instill discipline in a child expecting good fruits but ended up producing bad fruits due to wrong words of discipline

I will tell you a true life story of an African mother who never joked with discipline but I'm sure she will soon be in deep regret for what is coming. Mrs Ekezie is a neighbor opposite our house. Every morning and night, Mrs Ekezie's voice is always heard by us and other neighbors. "David thunder will fire you if you don't finish that thing" "Aboy! vulture will carry you if I meet you there" " David onye nzuzu ka gi mma ( A stupid person is better than you)" " Aboy Devil will leak your tongue if I hear your voice again " This keeps going on and on. I have never for once heard Mrs Ekezie say something like " God bless you my child" or " Well done my child" .. Every morning before I go to work, I must hear Mrs Ekezie's voice and every evening, the same happens but derogatory words.

To this African mother, she is giving her two boys the ultimate discipline. She will be expecting the fruits that come with a well disciplined child but might be disappointed soon. These children are bullied and the bully anybody they think they are better than. Other children see them as faulty children and they end up calling them unpleasant names. Now the mother is in pain as she suspect Aboy and David skips classes due to bully, fear and intimidation as reported by the teacher after investigation. This resulted to them joining a group of touts as early as 11 and 13 years respectively. One hot afternoon, during my lunch, I bumped into this notorious group which I recognized David who suppose to be in class as tender as he is. As I looked further, I saw Aboy carrying luggage trying to meet up with them. I sighed deeply because I understood what was playing.

I was a victim also. When I was growing up, my mum use to call be "stubborn" at any slightest act of me trying to voice my opinion or choose things for myself. She always tells me " Joy you are stubborn". Guess what! I tell people myself that I'm stubborn, I have grown with that title, in fact I act it more and more and she keeps saying it even as I'm a grown up. I try to prove that title "stubborn" at any given event until I meant who I call "mentor "

I know some of you have one or two experiences of people you hold so dear to your heart consistently crowning you negative titles you have unintentionally embraced even with the damages. Derogatory words affects any given child especially when it is on the regular.

Dear folks, instead of you to use words to destroy somebody especially innocent children who still need guardian, use it to build them. Children are gifts, they are the present and future. They effect of constant abuse with words on a child in the name of discipline is totally unacceptable. There is power in spoken words . You can never call your dog Bingo from when it is a puppy to a full grown dog and it starts answering Zaza during adulthood. Whatever you call your dog that is what it answers and whatever it answers, it's your creation. WORDS CREATE A BEING. This kind of creation has a power that designs the human beings' perception of life either positively or negatively.

Have you thought of the effects of regular wrong choice of words on a child?

1. It brings about low self esteem

2. It turns some of them into bullies

3. It produces bad character in a child

4. It can lead them into bad association

5. Some of these children are easily intimidated

6. Many of them loose their confidence in whatever they do

7. Some children develop hatred in them that is seen in anything they do.

8. You deny them a future brighter than what they are having now

9. Most of them turn out to be so abusive and disrespectful

10. They loose that confidence to confide in you even if it involves life and death.

Be careful not to destroy the bright future of a child using inappropriate words.

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1 year ago
