Your Wife's Beauty Is Beyond Your Eyes

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6 months ago
Topics: Life, Blogging, Thoughts

You wanted to get married, and so you did—to the girl you were in love with, the first girl that took your breath away. You swore you would take care of her, love her, and honor her till the day you both died.

No, a beautiful girl was more beautiful than her, at least in your eyes; your eyes were fulfilled, and your heart was full of her love. You adored her with all your heart.

You couldn’t wait to start a family and have a few kids to complete your dream life with the girl you believed was just for you.

One year into your marriage, and the good news of an addition to your family has reached you. It was a day of tears full of joy. Your dream fulfilled your dream life, building and unfolding.

You cared for your lovely wife, the love of your life. You pampered her and took good care of her. She was as beautiful as ever during her pregnancy. You couldn’t wait to tell all your friends and co-workers the good news, and when you finally did, everyone was glad for you both.

All people saw in your eyes was happiness. You tell everyone you're going to be a dad. You shared with everyone your plans for this child. Excellent schools, a good life, and a happy life.

You wanted to buy a new home, a family home, and you did. You worked hard for it, but all the hard work paid off, with all your dreams unfolding slowly.

You moved into your new home with your wife, and you both went out shopping for the nursery. You spent money to buy the best for this child along the way. For you, no amount of money is worth more than this child, and the fulfilment of your dream is more important than money. You worked long hours just to make this big dream come true.

The day your wife went to the hospital to have the baby, you were so excited and happy; you took three weeks off work to look after your wife and the new baby.

In the hospital, the staff noticed your smile; you were just a thrilled father to be.

You attended the birth of your child; you saw the pain your wife went through; how can this be? How can having a child be with such intense pain? How could I accept having the woman I love so much go through such agonising pain?

Your heart overflowed with love and empathy for the woman screaming out of pain to give birth to the child you desperately want. Without this child, you cannot fulfil your dream of a perfect family.

You promised yourself you would love your wife even more after witnessing what she went through to have this baby.

The day came when you took your wife and baby home. Now that reality has finally sunk in, the family you have always wanted is now a reality and no longer a dream.

Your sleep got disturbed, but that’s not a problem. The mom is always up and ready to tend to the baby while you sleep. When the baby is sick, she is the one taking care of the baby as you sleep.

You appreciate her efforts; you acknowledge she is tired and sometimes needs a rest.

Her body changed, leaving stretch marks all over her tummy, legs, and breasts. She has put on weight, she’s looking tired every day, and she is no longer the slim, vibrant girl you once married.

You pull yourself away. The beautiful woman you married is no longer the woman you sleep with at night next to you in bed. Do you mind rejecting how she looks?

Her looks, her weight, the way she looks, when she didn’t have sleep all night because of the baby, disgust you.

You create arguments over small things as an excuse to leave the house.

Slowly, you come home late. You didn’t hide your feelings from her. You were honest with her; you told her you didn’t like her looks and weight after the baby.

You forgot the pain you witnessed with your own eyes when she was giving birth to this child you desperately wanted. Now that you're disgusted with her looks and the way she dresses in baggy clothes, you don’t want to be seen with her anymore.

You forgot the nine long months of hardship and painful childbirth she had to endure to bring you the baby you wanted.

You wanted a beautiful wife, a beautiful family, a pleasant home with a nice car, and your child in a wonderful school. You got all that, but then you cast aside the most important part of the family you made.

You base your love of beauty on the idea that one day it will eventually disappear. As you, her, and everyone else get old, it will reduce us to nothing but leather and rough skin, ready to be put under the soil for the worms.

You’re a man without morals and values beyond the eyes and what they see.

While you resent how your wife looks after the baby, the baby attached and loved his mother. For him, his mother is the love she emits from her soul to him, not her weight or her looks. The child loves his mother unconditionally, without a doubt.

For you? A woman is an object to please a man’s desires—to be beautiful and stay beautiful in order for a man to love her. Love for you is something that can only exist in your heart when you see what your eyes like; the strength of your eyesight is too poor to see through a woman's looks and figures.

You forgot to ask why your daddy remained married to your mother after you were born, and after your birth, it caused her to put on weight, look tired, and be exhausted.

You love and adore your mother; you talk about her love and all the things she did for you and your siblings. It’s all that matters to you. Your father always praises your mother and talks about how great she is as a mother, a wife, and a woman.

You forgot your tears when you saw your wife give birth to your child; you forgot her bravery and her determination to bring that child to this world alive and well. Her own life was put at risk, and here you are, ungrateful.

Can a man see a woman beyond her looks, her figure, her breasts, and her buttocks? Is a woman a human to adore and appreciate for what she brings to this world? Does a woman deserve recognition for her contribution to society when she takes care of the future generation for free?

Does it really have to be in love with conditions? Is it the only love you can give a woman? What about respect, appreciation, and honor? Is that too much to ask?

Good men become good husbands; they become good fathers; they become excellent role models for boys and men of the future.

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6 months ago
Topics: Life, Blogging, Thoughts


I agree with you or perhaps good fathers make good husbands?

You made it clear that love isn't blind and people easily forget what you sacrifice for them.

The love of a young child is still unconditional. More weight is more mum to hug and love.


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6 months ago