I thought they said cigarettes kills? Why do they keep on producing it?

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3 years ago

Since I was little and up till now, I always hear something like this at the end of every cigarette advert, "ALL SMOKERS ARE LIABLE TO DIE YOUNG."

Then I kept on asking people, they say smokers are liable to die young but they still keep on producing it. Is there a reason why they reason why they keep doing so or we are being lied to?

I need answers because I don't know why they should still go ahead producing what kills people.

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This is just my thought about what you have asked. Maybe cigarette is bad to our health and to the environment as well, but I think it helps economically to a country. It does provide more profit and money because cigarettes never gets old to the market. Even if how hard they try to advertise how bad it can affect the smoker's health, they still can't stop them from buying it.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

love kills so why still fall in love?

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3 years ago

আপনার ফুসফুস ধূমপানের দ্বারা খুব খারাপভাবে প্রভাবিত হতে পারে। কাশি, সর্দি, হাঁস এবং হাঁপানির শুরু মাত্র। ধূমপান নিউমোনিয়া, এফাইসিমা এবং ফুসফুসের ক্যান্সারের মতো মারাত্মক রোগের কারণ হতে পারে। ধূমপানের ফলে ফুসফুসের ক্যান্সার থেকে ৮ % এবং দীর্ঘস্থায়ী বাধাজনিত পালমোনারি রোগ থেকে ৮ % মৃত্যুর কারণ হয়।

আমি মনে করি কেন তারা এখনও এ্যালকোহলযুক্ত পানীয় বা জুয়ার মতোই উত্পাদন করে কারণ সরকার things জিনিসগুলির উপর আরও বেশি কর আদায় করে, কারণ অনেক লোক এটি ব্যবহার করছে এবং এই জিনিসগুলি থেকে আসা করগুলি আমাদের দেশে ব্যবহার করা যেতে পারে।

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I want to reapeat it again,Smoking is a deadly thing. Playing it damages the body and liver, but everyone eats it.❤visit mine pls:-https://read.cash/@IrfanSagor/thats-why-i-love-part-4-603d876b

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Efeectivly articel I subscribed u plz subsribe me read likes my articles

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3 years ago

There are so many things that damages one's health, and they are still produced. These people are enlightened, learned people still smoke, they know the negative effect, yet they do it.

If it's banned, there will be some negative effects like increase in unemployment rate.

So I think government considers these factors too, but individuals make their own choice

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3 years ago

Your lungs can be very badly affected by smoking. Coughs, colds, wheezing and asthma are just the start. Smoking can cause fatal diseases such as pneumonia, emphysema and lung cancer. Smoking causes 84% of deaths from lung cancer and 83% of deaths from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

I think why they still producing it just like the alcoholic drink or gambling because government gets more taxes on those things , because many people are using it and the taxes that come from those things can be used in our country .

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3 years ago

Hmmm. Thanks for the analysis you gave but I think Government needs to analyze this again. Human lives are being wasted because of this act.

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3 years ago

I think only the government will decide for that . Its a big loss when they close those things .

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3 years ago

We are indeed a strange species..We produce something that kills and then we knowingly use that which will kill us...! so SAD!!!

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3 years ago

I am just surprised about it. I mean, it's still looking unbelievable to me.

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3 years ago

Smoking is a deadly thing. Playing it damages the body and liver, but everyone eats it. We all refrain from it.

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3 years ago

I am still kind of shock at why they keep on producing it except they want to tell me it has a nutritive value to the human body.

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3 years ago

Those who are addicted to it can no longer give up. We should also ban them and get rid of them

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3 years ago

I have no idea

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3 years ago

I also have no idea why they keep on producing!

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3 years ago