You put the Limits!

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Avatar for Jossy2992
2 years ago

Greetings friends of Read.Cash, I hope you are wonderfully well! As some of you have already had the opportunity to read in my previous article, I had an accident in November of Last Year, (2021). I have been at home for a long time and in the last check-up, the doctor says that I should wait 2 more months.

This difficult moment has given me some very valuable life lessons, which I will share with you in future posts.

Today I want to tell you that this Saturday, March 05 of the current year, I made a Pollada!

For those who do not know, and perhaps are curious to know what a Pollada is? I will tell you that a Pollada is a very traditional food from Peru, and is part of one of the best known dishes within the diverse Peruvian cuisine, but, beyond that, it is a meal that is usually prepared to receive in return a profit that helps in a particular need, that is, it has become an almost cultural activity, where a person prepares this dish, which is sold to family, friends and other acquaintances, in favor of contributing to the need of those who carry out said pollada.

As you know, I am a kitchen lover, although all my knowledge is empirical, I try to use it in my day to day in the best way. Well, cooking is something that, like singing, I enjoy very much, and here in Peru I have learned a lot about the culinary techniques that are part of the traditions and common life of its inhabitants, so let's remember that Peru has one of the most appetizing tables on an international level.

This rich dish is made up of chicken, potatoes and salad. (You can accompany with rice if you want!)

If you are curious to know its flavor, then I share the original recipe, as well as suggest some ingredients of my personal touch.

To start, we cut the chicken into 4, that is, 2 thighs and 2 half breasts.

We start by washing the chicken portions well, we proceed to season them, for this we must use:

Minced garlic

Ground yellow pepper

Ground panca pepper

chicha de jora

· Salt, Pepper and Cumin to taste.

soy sauce (optional)

· A teaspoon of mustard (optional)

1 teaspoon of sugar (optional)

Some of these ingredients may have different names in your country.

After seasoning the chicken we will take it to the refrigerator for 2 hours.

Note: if you search the web you will see that they do not mention any of the ingredients that I mentioned optionally, this is because as I said before it is my personal touch since I have used them with good results and the diners liked them.

Then we place the chicken pieces in a pot and cover, let it cook on both sides, in this way we will remove the excess liquid and when frying it will be golden and juicy. Let them cool a bit and then in a pan with plenty of oil fry for a few minutes until golden brown.

Then we must boil the potatoes. And chop the lettuce for the salad.

We will prepare the vinaigrette of our salad, for this we will use:

· 2 eggs.

· Lemon juice (it will depend on the amount, in this case use 1/2k).

· Vinegar.

· 1 tablespoon of mustard.

· Vegetable oil

· Oregano, Salt and Pepper to taste.

add the 2 eggs, lemon juice, vinegar, mustard, oregano, salt and pepper to the blender, blend and add the oil in the form of a thread until everything is integrated.

And of course you can not miss the spicy touch, for this we prepare Rocoto sauce, the following being its ingredients:

· 1 chopped onion.

· 2 chopped hot peppers.

· 1 cup of water.

· 1/2 Cup of Milk.

· Vegetable oil.

· 3 Soda Crackers.

· Salt and Pepper to taste.

· 1 piece of cheese (optional).

In a frying pan, I sautéed the onion and the 2 hot peppers, (let it cool down) and then place it in the blender with the water, milk, salt, pepper, the crackers and the piece of cheese, blend everything and as soon as it is being processed Add the oil in the form of a thread until it mix is compact.

This procedure is very simple, but in my case, that I made around 30 dishes, it can be a bit difficult and more so in the condition I find myself in, since I don't have to stand for or sit a long time well, the My foot muscles are a bit weak due to the time spent immobilized in the cast.

However, as someone said: there is no glory without sacrifice, that is, to achieve a goal or an objective outlining we must make an effort, in this sense I was get up at 3:00 am, to ensure that the deliveries were ready for delivery time, ie lunch (12:30 p.m.).

That day I ended up with my foot more swollen than normal, but fortunately I managed to make the deliveries on time, and to cover some medical expenses thank God!

I have had the opportunity to see people who are not so old and even young, healthy and without any disability in the streets and other public places like buses, asking for some kind of collaboration, and I am not saying that they at one point they really they felt the need to do it, since many times, at some point in our lives we can suffer from need, but sometimes in many people this act becomes recurrent and they get used to the easy thing, and I think it is wrong, since they become opportunists and take advantage of the good heart of the people who want to help them.

While people who really suffer from a disability, strive and fight every day to get ahead.

I know from my own experience that many times in life we ​​are presented with adverse and unexpected situations, but, in my opinion, we must face them with a positive attitude and take advantage of each of the tools that we have at hand, trust first of all in God and in our capacities, yes, perhaps right now I am not in the best moment of my life or as I would like to be but, I know and I am sure that just as it happens with the weather, this season in which I find myself today will also pass and a new season will arrive.

It all depends on perspective and attitude; You put the limits! Joselin Rivas.

A big hug and many blessings!

I want to take advantage of this space to thank my first sponsor Unity Thank you very much for your support, this motivates me to keep going, blessings to you!

$ 2.12
$ 1.88 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Eybyoung
$ 0.05 from @Ellehcim
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Avatar for Jossy2992
2 years ago


It looks like a very good recipe! I think it's not easy to cook so much quantity at the same time, and do all that facing or managing other issues too. And good motivational ending. Genial amiga, mis mejores deseos.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes friend, it's not that easy, but it was worth it!🤗 . And well, sometimes our biggest obstacle is our mentality.😊 Thank you for your good wishes, blessings🙏🏻

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes it's worthy I guess we just get used and learn how to do it as you do it and not to be limited by our mind, that's true!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am not familiar with some of these ingredients, so I'm thinking that I will just search in yt, until you added the "Note" haha but thanks for sharing this recipe, it really looks delicious.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, you may know these ingredients by another name! I would like to know where you are writing from, to find out what name these have, in your country or by which other you can replace them! while I share this link , so, you can view some, maybe you can familiarize yourself😊😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Get well soon dear. The Devil is smiling. Well you made me hungry.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you for your well wishes friend! Amen! I hope so! and well, that means that the recipe is very appetizing!🤭🤭😋😋😋😋

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I agreed that those beggars who didn't have any disabilities are opportunist with those good hearted people. Anyway hope you'll be healed soon..

Your recipe is mouth watering, gonna save this for future purposes ☺️ thank you for sharin.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks a lot! I also hope to heal completely very soon, with the help of God! I hope you can put this delicious recipe into practice!🤗😋😋

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I enjoyed reading the details of the food items - how they are prepared and then cooked. Get well soon. I am sure other members of the blogger community will find your article interesting.

I tag @SolarPhasing @Ellehcim @Talecharm @Ling01 @Eybyoung @Duvinca @Ayane-chan @Lucifer01 @sj0820 @Jane @Oikawa @ArteFM

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Thanks for the tag my friend @Unity

Welcome to @Jossy2992 that's right, you set your own limits, in life there will always be good times and bad times, from the bad things we learn and become stronger, the good things show us that we are making it, thank you for this motivational article, I hope you keep it up.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you for your words, my friend! God bless you!🤗🤗🙏🏻🙏🏻

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks for the tag, I will read this later. :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hi! Amen! Thank you very much! I'm glad you enjoyed reading! Take care of yourself!Blessings🙏🏻😊🤗

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks Unity, it is. Seeing different kinds of foods here in gives me interest in learning vary foods from other countries.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks, Ling01 for joining the thread, and supporting @Jossy2992 article.

$ 0.00
2 years ago