Forgiveness: something that must be done

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3 years ago

Hello Dear friends,

Good morning from my time zone here, good afternoon and good evening in your also your time zone. This topic you see me write has been on my mind for some times now to write about and i think the set time for it is NOW!.

So many people find it very difficult to forgive and let go of offenses towards them. As human, we are all made imperfect and offences will come on our way from fellow human.

Forgiveness is what must be done in any relationship we find ourselves, be it marriage, friendship, co-workers and so on. Many marriages and homes are broken because forgiveness of offences is not set in. Murder may also set in a relationship that lacks forgiveness.

I am a Christian and solely believe in the Bible and Jesus Christ as my Saviour and role model. He is a perfect example for us to follow. Even though he is the son of God but came down to this Earth for our redemption in the human body, so he was subject also to offenses from man.

Did you know that you having grudge against someone doesn't benefit but instead decreases you?, It does affect an individual emotional and physically because it may be clearly evident on some people that they are not happy.

Why not put on a smiling face today which tends to prolong your life, forgive others of their trespasses towards you and yours will be forgiven too. Live freely with your neighbor and all will be well again. Forgive and forget your friend's wrong doings towards you.


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Avatar for JoshuaDimeji
3 years ago


the community is to sing original songs, I suggest you read the rules, the articles do not start by saying hello or thanking you, you have read the magazines, the newspapers, this is how these publications should be on the platform, it is a good topic the what did you do..

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3 years ago

Ok. Noted

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3 years ago