Be a Stimuli

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Avatar for Joshua25
3 years ago

What is a stimuli?

According to the dictionary:

Any external phenomenon that has an influence on a system, by triggering or modifying an internal phenomenon

In this article, I just want say that be a person who can influence others in good way. Leave a moral lesson to their heart and not aches and scars that are unremovable. Never let yourself become a toxic person to other. Be the one to help and guide them. You don't need to do that but isn't it beautiful to see people act like you do because they saw you as inspiration.

Life is short so lets leave everyone good memories and lessons.

$ 0.31
$ 0.30 from @TheRandomRewarder
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$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yeah, we should be always humble to others so that they keep us in their inner heart after passing away of us. We should be helpful person as you said. Good writing dear.. keep it up. I am new here. I am from Bangladesh. Where are you from?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That's true.I hope you like this article btw I'm from Philippines

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yeah, I liked this... Keep it up. And go ahead. Best of luck for you.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You are correct add my own contribution, No matter how you are feeling during the day, it's best to try and remain positive to better your own health and wellbeing. However, it's even more powerful to positively influence others, bringing them happiness and ease. By remembering that your actions influence others, you'll be better able to set a good example.Positive influence is the impact you have on another person (AND yourself) by pointing out strengths and virtues. It is how you are, what you do, and the power you have on others to value what is best within themselves. Positive influence helps a person be better today than they were yesterday.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

One evening last week, I joined some friends for recreational beverages after work. These friends were all natives of a certain tribe — black men raised in the crack-era inner cities, now thriving in some other America. They were all college graduates (except me) and upstanding citizens of virtuous reputation. And like me, they were haunted by codes that aided their rise in the old world but might stunt their growth in the new.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I loveeee thee conteent❤ Being a good example to others is a must if you also want to be treated nicely😍

$ 0.00
3 years ago