Typhoon Odette Extremely Devastating!

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2 years ago

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Philippines outnumbered with most strongest typhoon in the history. One of this is Super Typhoon Yolanda which leaves massive destruction especially in Eastern Visayas, dead bodies are found near in the national high way of Palo and even Tacloban. People panic for there inadequate supply of food and relief is not even distributed. There's so hungry after that Typhoon. Many people lose their lives and homes.

Now, another Tropical Cyclone landed in the Philippines, what disturbing about this typhoon is that it gradually increasing, moving westward at 480 km per hour. This typhoon is completely destroying every part of the Eastern Visayas region and one of the affected area where the typhoon landed first is Dinagat Island and subsequent on this was the province of Southern Leyte. Compared to the typhoon Yolanda, Odette leaves massive destruction to the homes and economic livelihood of the Filipino people but still we are very fortunate cause the quantity of lives loses is lesser.

This photo was take after the typhoon

On my experience during the typhoon there so much traumatic experience during that time trees and plants were destroyed. As you can see in picture almost half of our roof was destroy. Some of our things is wet including our clothes, not just wet it also buried with mud. Some of our important documents is missing until now, but it doesn't matter as long as those things can be replaced. Going back to our experience it was horrible experience those sound of the wind is just like whisper of the devil which gives a lot of nervous to my friend and family but despite of that we are very fortunate to Ruiz family for they allowed us to stay the whole night until the typhoon is gone. After the typhoon cutted trees spring- up to us anywhere you will look at, there's no trees are in the same position, everything is messy. It looks like we will count months before we can restore all this messy situation into normal. No electricity what I saw is dark and there is no available gas at gas station.

Sad things to know is that folks in Dinagat Island have been totally destructed, there houses and livelihood, no houses remained standing the majority of them have been washed out. Good thing there are some people who are fortunate in life donated goods and clothes to the less fortunate people.The president of the Republic of the Philippines also taking into account he said "nothing will hungry", he promised that those families who are affected with the typhoon will receive help from the government. Good thing to know that the president is not irresponsible, he has one word, what ever he promised expect it's best results. We are also grateful to our Brgy. Captain also for being active in distributing goods including materials in making temporary shelter to those families who arent fortunate for their abode was destroyed.

There are things we learned from this calamity. Preparation is a must so when ever typhoon strikes you are prepared. Prepare this vital things need such as can goods, flashlight ๐Ÿ”ฆ, cellphone or any device that can provide you a communication to others and clothes. The most important thing is don't be stubborn because once you are in a critical situation you might be at risk. Always be updated with the weather condition, there some information you can know in Facebook post or visit trusted fb page of any tv station your watching with. Typhoon are just a reminder that there is one being who is mighty to create this stuff and he want us to draw near to him. This kind of calamities is inevitable it will come and bring destruction to people. We are not alone there's someone out there who are much worst than us.

5 Simple tips for salvation

  1. Remember life is one, so always put into your mind that you cannot borrowed or extend your life, be practical.

  2. Prepare what the is the most important. These are all tangible; like food, water, clothes and communication devices.

  3. Make sure you bring them all (2.)

  4. Do not panic.

  5. Be updated

We should be grateful on what ever will come to us. All we can do is to proceed to another episode of our journey, start a life with full of positivity.Always remember change is the only constant in this world. We may see tangible things changing constantly but our hearts remains good. People can change the world but not the heart. People should learned in every difficult situation. They become stronger and vigor what ever trials may come you can in every difficult situation if you take it as a challenge, people who a lot of experience tend to be more vigor especially when dealing to a messy situation. Help each other and make them happy, remember nothing valuable than salvation of life. Always remember to pray๐Ÿ™ for those who in need give them a helping hands.

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2 years ago


Thanks a lot...to those folks who have appreciated this content... expect more content or article to be uploaded...you're my inspiration guys...again thank you very much!๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜Š

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am so sorry for what happened to you and to your family. The storm damaged a lot of properties and devastated lives. I do hope you will rise from this.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

....Thanks ๐Ÿ˜Š alot for the concern...don't worry my family and our neighborhood is safe...be safe also ma friend and always for for the sake of everyone

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I think you should put your sponsorship box so I can be your sponsort. :) All the best.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you sir....for that information .. I already put sponsorship box ...in this article...so people can help us

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's great. Now you are allowed to accept sponsorship. By the way, I'm a girl. :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks....alot ma'am sorry for misconception..hehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

..sir I am very grateful ..but don't know how to put sponsorship box ...can you help sir

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You can edit your article and then you can see a dollar sign "$" just like when you add pictures. Just make good contents here, you will be able to be rewarded more. :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ah...that looks so bad. I hope you are doing fine.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

...thanks for your concern everything is okay my.. family and friends are doing will ma friend hope you'll doing too

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Laban lang jud ta aning mga affected sa odette. Lisud perk makabangon ra ta puhon. Happy new year sir.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ma friend where are you from...?..hope youre okay and your family

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks for the tips... Nice article friend...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Your welcome ma friend...I always look for ...what is good for all of us

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Southern Leyte badly needs a hand to hold right now, my prayer for those who badly hitted by Odette. Keep strong SOUTHERN LYTEร‘OS kaya natin to. There is always light after the dark so be brave and strong to face the darkness of life.

Laban mga Bisdak!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes they ...a help...and sustainable livelihood or any food that could sustain until they can fully recover

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sanal ol ....Dre Raman d ay ta mabuotan tsor so keep it up๐Ÿ˜Š

$ 0.00
2 years ago