Our Notion of Being Rich

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Hi there! Today February 24, 2022 I will be sharing with you our notion of being rich which probably you are thinking how does rich people feel about their wealth. They do have financial problems? Is Ayala, Billgates, Mark Zuckerberg and Sports legend like Lebron, Kobe, Floyd, Manny, Mr.Beast, Politicians and many more thinking about their income every day? When we think about it, it's impossible that they count every single money in their pocket or bank account. They have earned so much on what people expect of them. They made their lives so convenient that they could buy luxurious houses and cars and even out of know where activities.

Now, a lot of you seen Floyd revealing his wealth in social media such as YouTube channel. He showed his elegant clothes, watches and even rings, which probably think of you what else is lacks him? When we think of that we can't anticipate that this guy have deficient in life. We think they are almost perfect and nothing is lacks on them.

Floyd's Wealth
Floyd's lifestyle | travels with his own private plane and pilot

Have you heard about the Taliano's Wealth

Well, it's most controversial issue. Former President Ferdinand Marcos was given a chance to be a defender of royal family of Taliano which he was given thousands of tons of gold for being the lawyer of the royal family. It was gold bars which is given to Marcos for having a profound knowledge about law and his excellent service. He obtained the highest grade and top 1 of Bar exam. Now, that wealth isn't a joke owning thousands of tons of Gold which probably think of you that even when you do nothing it can give a very convenient life. Marcos was one among of the fortunate people in the world who have gifted such a brilliant talent and mind. Making speech in front of the American Politicians and Lawyers without any supporting guides on what he speaks. He is just had a great talent and that is a gift for him.

I share this to you cause I want you to visualize how does rich and fortunate people handle their wealth and spending it with their own will. It's very amusing to those people who have inherited wealth from their parents or grandparents. They have so very fortunate fate that they don't even worry what they eat for the next they. People who washed their clothes, preparing food for dinner, and even having so much leisure time with their friends and family. All of us are making imagination about being convenient in our lives. What would it feels when you are rich?

If you are given a chance to have 1 million what will you do?

Many people would thinks about what they want to buy luxurious things and even expensive gadgets. Most probably this questions will ignite your ideas. What will you do if you are given this chance? For sure you'll not hesitate to buy what you've interest. Well for all of us have different wants we should be making appropriate decision whether it is for out future or the current. Some people thinks about how can they retain this money for long time and make a profit on it. Some people will make long term investment and businesses that's even good idea. Do you think it is adequate for your long term investment? I think those people who have interest in investment would probably answer that question yes. Other people uses that opportunity to build their own business. That's the thing that they can retained and simultaneously gained profit. Some people who have swallow mindset that they only think what they want to buy what they want without even thinking that they can change their lives when they engage business and investments.

The story of a young man who got rejected 5 times in business school.

Marlou was already graduated high school and he plans to enter a business school. To tell the story short he got rejected 5 times from different school he took entrance exam. He was so disappointed with his self during that time cause he think that he is incapable in doing difficult things, like he concluded that he was naive to many stuff. So what he did is to work as a service crew in a restaurant. He was happy about his job that time cause his companion was nice to him and help him to the things on how can execute his job well. One day while he was cleaning dishes he realize that his wage is not adequate to sustain even himself and his monthly bills. He only receive $100 monthly and that he decide to resign his job. He strive to accumulate his wages and after 5 years of working he quitted his job. He realize that he need to do business and investment. So, he started to buy item online and sold it with interest. He continues to sell items to people and then he thinks it's good cause he can earn his salary in restaurant in just one day. Many years later he decided to build his own store and eventually started selling his item through online. Many more year's he became successful and makes his life convenient. He concluded that being at school doesn't guarantee you'll become successful rather it gives you more advantages to other applicants. He concluded also the to make people rich there should be a change and it start with your mindset.

Final thoughts

Being rich isn't not just easy especially when you have gone through so many challenges. A good thing to those people who have inherited wealth from their parents and grandparents they don't have to worry about what they do to make them rich and convenient in their lives. All they want to do is just to retain the things they've learned from their parents. They are just a recipients of the endeavor for their parents. Many people are searching what they should do to improve their life and took college and started a job then suddenly they're not contented what they have earn. But to tell you it is the mindset that brings people to a convenient life, yes they accept challenges cause it is part towards their success. So be it start to strengthen you mindset to build a better future.

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It is importance we understand wealth and how to handle it. Most people have failed in this aspect. However, it is not entirely hopeless. we need to increase our understanding to wealth management.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I never understand people flexing their money on others or posting with gold and stacks of cash on social media.. what is the point???

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I think they don't have any fun doing that. Beside they could attract viewers when they do insane activity that's one of the trends that is observable right now especially on youtube. They do everything in the name of money.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I love the story of the young man that was rejected multiple times from entering school. Sincerely, education is not a gaurante for being rich, it's just a platform to grab opportunities when it comes

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hince, this story doesn't convince to any reader that they don't get to school. I only intended to share a story which can be our motivation towards success. It is better to have a degree cause you might learn from school those important matters. It is your choice for having a degree. The only reason why he left school cause he was rejected and think that school doesn't like him. Hehe he strive and until he got successful. Thanks for reading dear!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I think being rich depends on a person. For me when you are satisfied of what you have, I think being rich does not matter anymore hehe.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sometimes it's other people's notion about rich. Definition of rich is being abundant with financial and various assets, producing large quantity of something that can give pleasure. Yes I agree with Jijisaur it's depend sometimes to us on what is our perception about being rich cause there are so many definition of richness.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Is life's goal is to become rich? Well we wanted to become rich because we are poor, but rich people wanted to become normal and wish somehow to live as an ordinary family. What I mean is being happy is our goal in life. Although you are the wealthiest and richest person alive, but not happy? Most probably just do suicide and that's it. End of life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Rich people as what you've said want to live like an ordinary person. Our main goal is not just to be rich but live here without conflict with other people. Living in a simple life and peaceful life seems to be more beautiful that rich guy who has a lot of enemies. We can't sleep like that cause we want our life to be peaceful and Happy.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

There are different types of riches. You can quite guess how a person obtained their wealth by looking at how they spend it. Those who went through hell are often judicious when dealing with wealth.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, there various ways on how they get wealth sometimes they put dirt unto there hands just to grab money from others. But there are also others who strive and made effort to fulfill there dreams. Those fortunate people who have inherited wealth from their parents or grandparents seems to be living like they don't need to exert more effort just to obtained what they want. They are so blissful.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Very ironic! I was just thinking about the telenovela on Philippine Tv that I regularly watch - the "Mano Po" Legacy of GMA7 which is not the way I would want to be rich.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, I was thinking about notion of being rich. Then suddenly I saw videos about successful people like boxer Floyd, Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg which is indeed one among of the greatest people I've know in social media and news. It is ironic cause people like this seems to be more convincing because of their successful carrier. Thanks for dropping bloghound for dropping an impressive response

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Education or having a degree holder is not an assurance that the person will become successful my friend. It serve as an advantage only because you have a diploma and you graduated with a course but it doesn't mean you will be successful immediately.

A big possibilities that individuals are going to success if they hardworking, determination, perseverance and being a schemeful one. Success is near with it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, it does cause a lot also of degree holder seems to be more convenient than others. But it is not guarantee that you'll be able to have success cause before success was trials and struggles. You must exert perseverance and a positive mindset to do your task. Sometimes I've been thinking about study cause I don't have any capability to make competence with other student out there. But to realize despite lacks of knowledge I still strive to study hard and fortunately I'm with there level.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

And you made it friend because of your dedication and hardwork.

$ 0.00
2 years ago