Listening Unknown Motivational Speaker

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2 years ago

Monday morning I was about to move forward for another day which brings me to a situation with full of motivation. I was about to here those inspirational quotes from the unknown speaker who says " Walang mababago kung walang pagbabago". Indeed true, that's give a hint on how to start a profitable day. When the speaker says this kind of wisdom I was about to create this kind of idea which gives me more comfortable with. Now, I want to start my day more productive and not wasting time anymore. Maybe these past few weeks I was about to be outnumbered with problems, my Dad got suffered from the excruciating pain due to stomache which he was trying to reduce his weight. He was looking before obsess which lead my dad to overthink that it would be little bit of clumsy in movement especially he is a short man.hehe, Now going back to the main topic have you ever hear this when a speaker ask you.

" Do you think that everything you see and feel whether it is tangible and intangible things will exist in accordance with their will?" Of course a Big NO!

This kind of question is about the existence of deity. Which helps us understand that there's a living supreme being that is responsible for all creation exist. Now do you think it is all about religion? My response for that is Yes, I was astonished when I heard also the wisdom behind the scriptures which is indeed teaches us the foundation of everything we need to know about God and its principle.


I heard those words from unknown speaker which delivers excellent on his utterance of his thoughts. Like when you hear about his speech you'll be able to conclude that he speaks genuinely and bestows lessons. I will give an example;

"Without struggles, success has no value at all." when I heard this from him I was thinking that people should exert effort for their dreams. We might encounter struggles and failures cause it part of hierarchy of success which leads ourself to be a stronger one.

Upon waking up early in the morning you have to sacrifice the momentum sa masarap na tulog. I ask this question to my self I am the one who experience this whenever I have something to do, it seems like I feel sleepy and when nothing else to do I'll be active despite I'll try to sleep. We give definition of our success on our efforts we exert, thats the thing that you have done on yourself. I admit kind of mentality I usually do that whenever I have done something.

You know what when I have learned from that unknown speaker I also change my mindset. Everything I do have plans and undergoes with a process which literally gives me a vivid vision of success. I saying that you must not also rely upon those speakers gives thoughts cause sometimes it will not fit to your desires. The only things that is appropriate is that you have to change your mindset and that probably is the best solution for you to come up with success.

I Started here!

When I started this platform I have learned alot from here which gives the opportunity to change our mindset. I have read also some great content creators stalking all the way. Various content are posted everyday some are sharing about how to earn online and some content creators also shares their life and some are just sharing motivational thoughts. I'm very fortunate for bringing me here @Aiah05 hehe πŸ˜…. Allowing me here to spend time and simultaneously earn BCH, which is very helpful during this time of being devoid. I also waiting for another opportunity whom he will be share soon cause he has alot of knowledge, like he has a broad knowledge of everything. Hehe I can't even pay him for my huge dept for bringing me here. But soon Ill be paying for that.

I went home and brings those inspirational quotes from unknown speaker. I always think of it whenever I am. I am grateful for I hear those words of wisdom for free and that's great opportunity. Now I wanna share it with you cause I want to share my experience. Hoping that you'll be changing you mindset too. Don't allow a day without something to do. Be productive.

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2 years ago


Motivation is your desire to do something with your personal life, at work, in school, in sports, or in any hobbies. Having the motivation to do something can help you achieve your big goals and dreams, whatever they may be.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I do agree with you it's also the same to other commentators whom sharing good idea πŸ’‘ thanks for that.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It is in challenging times and difficulties that we learn the most in life. Thanks for this blog bro! I can't deny ive gained something today. <3

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yups, of course bro, I'm glad that you drop here and also thanks for you support. Bro we must learn from various speakers , they made us inspired and makes us feel better.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We all need to be motivated in one way or another. If no one motivates you as some will claim, then motivate yourself. Struggles and challenges are part of life we can't deny it but it is our responsibility to help others keep moving to get motivated same as us.



$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yups it's hard if no one will motivate us but sometimes it is ourself who give motivation. That's good to hear 😊. Yes it part of our life , struggles and challenges are external factor that brings us to become stronger.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Talking about struggles, let me say that struggles are part life and sometimes one inevitable because it keeps occuring. Even the well to do class still struggles in one way or the other

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes it is, struggles are part of our lives. No matter how we strive to avoid it , we will never granted that we cannot face cause it is an instrument for us to be stronger and better.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hearing motivational messages is always a good thing. I wonder who's unknown speaker is that. Anyways, you are right, we will appreciate success even more if we 've gone through a lot of struggles.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's still anonymous dear cause I heard only that in radio and he doesn't mentioned anything about his identity. We I have to share this to all cause it might help you and makes you motivated.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is very correct actually For me the struggle is part of the success. The main success is just a topup. Life is all about the struggle.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Theres no easy way out. We must to strive hard to success or else we must to rely luck if dont want to be strive but its imposible .

Hello @Jopix404 have a nice day.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks for dropping here a comment. Yes I agree with that, we must not dependent on luck thus there is no assurance of that

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Taste the struggle first before the success. Life has no shortcut, you need to step on the struggle first.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes , we have to undergo with that important process. I agree with that there's no shortcut for our success. It must be accompanied with endeavor.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Struggles are part of our success friend. There's no shortcut for success. We need to walk at the first step. We need to follow the process and those process has a struggles or difficulties we encounter before we reach the top. You will never felt the success if there are no challenges my friend. Whatever happens, let's be brave and fighting always! πŸ’ͺ❀️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks friend for sharing your thoughts here , yes there's no shortcut to success cause a genuine success matters alot with our endeavor. You have been pointing out what I mean through your comment πŸ™‚ hehe thanks.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you so much my friend.❀️😊Success with struggles are part in our life friend.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Indeed, we should always be productive for our growth and success. No sacrifices no success.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes does sacrifices matters alot friend cause without our efforts we cannot be determined our main goals. For everything is undergoes with the process.

$ 0.00
2 years ago