It's Dream Conundrum

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2 years ago

February 10, 2022

We do have individual dreams in our lives and sometimes we are getting through with it. I remember when I was about to dream about reaching at least 1 BCH of my whole earnings here but unfortunately I wasn't be able to fulfilled that dream cause I have alot of expenses such as buying a load and purchasing items online. Hehe, And, literally I have only received slight amount of BCH here. One thing I consider about my headlines before was I made all my content not interesting. Somehow I have put an extra effort in doing such a single content. I visited some successful writers and found out they've done excellent here like they have fascinated alot of viewers and comments. The mind of the people doesn't end only to the small things that they get. Perhaps most people want a huge achievements in their lives and few of those people who only want to eat three times a day. Like, they are contented to their simple lives. I always think that they don't want excessive things in their life rather they only need the stuff that allow them to survive. Let's called him "Cris" a man who don't want excessive things in his life. He only need things that is crucial for survival such as food, water and money. I always hear to him that he only wants those things. Well, that's how he perceived about life and we can't blame him cause the way his parents teach him is also the same to his mindset. I always think why does he don't want something? I think there's something that bothers him before but I don't know what. To think of his perception isn't acceptable cause in reality we need some of other stuff not just for survival but for emergency exit of boredom. We couldn't live by just possessing those needs rather we need everything that is appropriate for our life.

All of us have Dream Conundrum

I always wanted to aspire things that is good for me. It's overwhelming to think that you're finally in college. You come home after a long day from school, freshen up sometimes watch the favorite anime series or movies. The only thing that we are not satisfied is that sometimes we are not contented with our course but be happy on that cause you are give a opportunity that everyone is not given. Right now, there so much opportunities to finish studies. Scholarships and sponsorship are making way to provide our needs. The government seems to make alot if opportunities just for us to finish our studies but there are some unfortunately people who are not granted this kind of privilege. I don't know does it possible that some of the poor students seems not granted with that privileges.

Living on your own preference

Living on your own can seem quite overwhelming at first but you'll get used to it. You'll gain independence and survival skills that will absolutely help you in the years to come. You'll learn to take care of yourself. You'll have freedom, and with that freedom, you'll also gain more obligations that will teach you to become a better person. You'll discover something about yourself that you have never known before. Life changing experience for most of us. As frightening yet exciting as it sounds, it isn't that crazy or scary as they make it seem and sound like.

Final thoughts

Our dream conundrum seems to be a barrier on our way to success. We have to work on our ways just ot fulfill our dreams. I admit that things may difficult to reach especially when we have not enough effort exerted. We must work also to our individual dreams and goals in life. All things we want is not granted we must work for it. I always wanted to make my own dream to be in reality. Right now I'm in a process that's waits the outcome of my endeavor. If you lose hope don't regret what you have done it's something that tells you, You should work smarter and harder simultaneously and just trust the process if you think you are right.

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$ 0.02 from @BreadChamp
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2 years ago


Sometimes kahit na 100% yung effort ko, hindi pa rin sapat sa iba. I just focus on my goal and not please others. :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, that's true friend. We don't have time to please nonsense stuff all we need is to focus our goal and dreams in life. No matter what's the result of our endeavor we must accept what ever results and most important thing is that we try our best.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Maybe if I didn't share my earnings since last year I'm almost gaining 1BCH but it's okay money can grind and grind again.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Absolutely, we can make it over and over again ma'am. Just believe you can have it soon. The same also with I always dream to reach 1 BCH.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Even me dream to achieve the 1BCH but I always ended up cashing it out due to some expenses that I need to pay but I could say even though I haven't achieve and always postpone I am happy co'z I used prioritize what I need.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hehe I also doing that especially in time of need. There's no other way but to cash out those money.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

There are indeed several people who are content with living a day without dreaming more than what they have. They are okay with three meals a day and a simple living. Unlike most of the other people that aim to have more in life. I am actually one of them. I work hard to be better than I am yesterday. And I know there is nothing wrong with this kind of mindset.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, thats true, In fact i already recognized one of them and ask what they want in their life. They responded like they don't want any excessive things in their lives and the only things they need is stuff for survival.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Having 1 BCH was my dream, and I achieved it once. Now I dream of having it again :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Same too, I always dream that cause I didn't reach that amount before.hehe good for you , you'll be able to reached that and you'll be able to do more than that l.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We can reached if we only help each grow our passion here. ☺️

$ 0.00
2 years ago