Independent and dependent

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2 years ago

This past few days I always think about being independent. I always want to be self sufficient for all the things that I want in life. Thinking many ways on how could I possibly do that. How are you? Did it sink into your mind of being independent?

Now, I'm still struggling about finances albeit my parents aren't missed to sustain our shortcomings. But one that keeps bothering me is that I really want to help them. Right now, I'm in a stage were I can get a decent job. But it doesn't adhere to what I really wanted to.

We all know some of us here are independent to there self. Others seems to be dependent on there parents or relatives. We focus on things that can make distance from being dependent to others.

Somehow our parents are so good to us. Like, even though we have already have a family, still they covering up what's our need. It is vital to learn how to be independent. Learn to be a self-sufficient. Can you tell a words that connects to a word INDEPENDENT?

For sure many of you here already bear in mind about job, money,stuff in house and etcetera. Being independent is an observable phenomena that an individual possess when he/she is successful in their life.

Maybe they aren't finished a certain degree but have a successful carrier like building a business, product promoter, going abroad and others. These are the typical situations that people get successful.

People striving hard. They haven't infiltrated even a single opportunity. One thing in common about the Filipino mentality is that we are grabbing opportunity which is only available in a certain situations. Many people roam around the globe just find a decent job. They strive coz they have to sustain the needs and wants of their family.

I really appreciate the effort exerted by OFW. Some of them are being scolded and physical abused without any valid reasons. That's the sad thing we received in the news. It's hard to think that some of the Filipino relatives who has receiving monthly wages of OFW seems making vices without knowing the real situation abroad.

It makes me feel disappointed. For some reason alot of people suffers agony from their cruel boss. That's how they trait some of our fellow Filipino people. They just choose to work dependently.

They need to work. Give necessity for their family. There are number of Filipino people who are fortunate to have their boss a good traits. They are comfortable with their job, like they don't have to worry deeply cause they feel security with their boss.

Imagine if you're not independent individual. And here comes the opportunity for abroad, would you rather grab that opportunity? Of course probably you won't accept that wonderful offer. But if your are independent individual you'll grab the opportunity.

Dependent individual doesn't give themselves to be a worthy person. It really for those people who are dependent to someone. It's because they're also think that people will work for him/her. It really hard to work especially when you are saturated of being dependent to someone.

You don't want responsibilities. You just want to have a spatial space for you happiness. You are dependent cause you want to free from stresses made by various responsibilities.

Sometimes being independent can give you a peace of mind. No matter how hard life is, the most important thing is that no one make intervention.

Is it really necessary to leave our parents just to be so called independent? Well, my answer is that is neutral. It's because there are some individual who are independent in some areas. While the others are choosing independent cause they have own family.

It doesn't mean they don't want there parents. It is a process also to make distance from them because they want to set there own rules in their own house. Like what I said they want a peace of mind. Still, they love the parents. Is it bad to make distance this with them?

No, because it's good cause they'll make them selves independent. In every situations, decision making, budgeting and others, they have the controll over it. Well, it is written in scripture that being married to someone the boy is obligated to go with the girl and leave his parents.

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2 years ago


On my 24 years of living in this world, I coukd say that I was born and raised being dependent to the people around me. They're supportive with me everytime. But as I get older, I developed a sense of being dependent to other people I can't even decide in a snap. But I'm working on it though; day by day.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Natry ko ng bumukod for many years at nkkamiss kaya pg nalayo sa family but nong bumalik ako sa parents ko mas lumaki bills ko hahaha. Okay lng nmn sa akin bsta meron lng ako, no problem talaga

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Haha, that's even harder. Okay lang Basta family Ang nakikibang. Nakakamissed din naman sila kapag malayo sa atin. Kaya kailangan double kayud para may pambayad.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We need people that will help us and add value to our lives and also not make us dependent on them for everything.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, I'm so grateful to the people who are part of my journey with them I have so much realizations in life. Those people helps us to understand of being independent.😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I think that in as much as we want to be independent we still need people in our lives. We need to value our human relationships.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Value those people who help you in times of ups and downs. To those negativities just take it as your basis that you have to be strong enough to sustain in every trials.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm still dependent yo my Moms and seriously, ang tagal ko ng gustong humiwalay ba. Try lang nga 1 year ganon if kakayanin kaso hahaha, ewan ko ba bat diko magawa. Mas matututo kasi kapag ganyan ee.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We are the same also I can't even make a distance from them. Hehe, maybe I will be miss them especially in times of need. That's why gustohin ko man d ko rin magawa. Grabe sentimental value ko sa kanila.hehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I sometimes want to be independent like moving out but the bilss oh my gosh haha! Living with parents and sisters makes my bills shrunk hehe.

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2 years ago

It's okay din naman Kasi our family is indeed important to us. Let just seek those what's best for them.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Being an independent person, I'm not afraid of obligations, but I am afraid if I cannot provide what is needed for my family, because, being an independent, I want to give everything to them, if I can provide it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's what I've afraid for because what if some outside force will interrupt us for sustaining the needs of our family. Yes, that's true we must do everything so that we can provide by what is needed.

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2 years ago

It's good that a dependent person will become independent as they grow matured especially when they get married. They could experience how to stand by their own feet.

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2 years ago

Absolutely true sir, we are getting independent when we matured. We have also responsibilities to do.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Tama ka friend. Diyan masusubok kung kaya natin magagampanan Ang mga responsibilidad sa buhay.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yun talaga din mahirap sa nasa ibang bansa..Yung parang nagpapasarap lang yung naiiwan tas dagdag pa yung mga nung ibang tao. Hindi man lang iniisip na kahit sabihin pa nating malaki ang sweldo, hindi naman talaga madali ang trabaho.

As for being independent, ako, hindi ko masasabi na totally independent ako kasi nandito pa ako sa puder nila mama at papa tas hindi naman talaga ako yung pinaka.provider sa kanila but now na may Readcash, kahit wala pa ako'ng stable na trabaho, hindi naman na ako laging humihingi sa kanila, kasi may income naman ako kahit papa'no.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Tama friend, malaki nga sweldo pero Hindi parin sapat Kasi tumataas din Ang babayarin, sa madaling salita tumataas din Ang demand natin kapag may sweldo na malaki. Yez, malaking ruling talaga Ang platform nato. Dito rin ako kumukuha Ng panggastu.

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2 years ago

Nakakaawa ung mga nagsisuffer sa paghihirap sa ibang bansa tas idadown pa ng sariling kababayan :/

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yups, you're right ginagawa nila lahat para lang Makatulong tapos. Ginaganyan pa nila. So sad naman. Sana kung nagsasafer sila Sana naman suklian nila Ng kabutihan.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Kaibigan ko kakarant lang rin e, lola nya gastos ng gastos sa perang binibigay ng mama niya.

$ 0.00
2 years ago