Consumers Rights

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2 years ago
Topics: Works, Food, My article, Price, People, ...

As I interviewed my aunt, she asserted that malpractice of manufacturers and some vendors are exaggeratedly making the prices of certain product is different from the other store even though they are nearer or their location of their business is in crowded area, a place where you can buy immediately what you are intending to buy. They doubled the price of a product or raising slightly impose higher interest on a certain demand products, which is inappropriate to it's typical price.

The worse is the product that my aunt bought is nearer on its expiration date, I think it would take three days before it will reach it's expiration date. She asserted also when it comes to the vendor's traits which are not cheerful when dealing their customers or let's just say they aren't approachable. Sometimes they are rude to their customers especially when a customer is an ordinary resident. They take advantages they didn't feel the sentiment how poor a person was. Sometimes they are ruthless for other customers cause didn't allowed owed from their store, only few selected customer can have a debt. The consumers who need a product that is very vital for them such as medicine, when they got cough or some other unpleasant feelings seems not allowed to owed from them. My aunt beg for them and doesn't mind anymore those painful words came from them thus the need the medicine or else if they react and yells they won't bring those medicine at home.

My aunt asserted that the most malpractices exist are those companies that does not the producer meaning they are the importer they just raise and impose doubled prices or slightly raise the SRP suggested retail price. " Needs are the inevitably because with these we can't survive so we have to prioritize and set aside those things that are not required for our survival " this statement came from my aunt whose learning from the different experience, the bad and good things. She said that we have to be vigilant in choosing a certain product because we might be at risk if we failed to read the content of every product and what more worst is that the product is very expensive. Not necessarily that a product is expensive it is safe cause there are products that we purchase thinking that this product is came from a notorious manufacturer whose producing a good quality of service of goods but sad to say they are only human they're also commiting mistakes as we have. Even though they spend years or decades in producing goods. This is a lesson learned of my aunt when dealing with the products that she bought. She always read and make an ocular inspection of the quality of goods sold.

Closing thoughts

By the way this story made by my friend whom willingly to share this economic concept and yields a lesson from selection of the best goods and services to choose. I allowed him to write his content in this account cause he doesn't owned phone, which is in the last few weeks he loses his phone while commuting at the bus and left it. And by the way he doesn't have any idea of this platform I intended to pay 50 pesos for his effort creating this content. So back the real story, when read this content it seems that it negates probably only those ruthless business owners. He doesn't generalized all of it cause I think there also some business owners who are really soft hearted which they allowed debt and owed from their customers. As what I have said this content does not hating anyone it is just a clear experience that allow us to learned a certain dellima in economics.

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Avatar for Jopix404
2 years ago
Topics: Works, Food, My article, Price, People, ...


We do have to watch what we buy. I bought bread yesterday from a shop and I was in a hurry, I got it home and then look at the packet, it was three days old!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Be careful on the content details we should read those expiration date of a certain products.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ganyang talaga ang iba sinasamantala ang presto at mas lalong mghihirap ang mga mahihirap nyan. Wawa talaga.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oo nakakalungot lang isipin ma'am, pero Sana Hindi lahat Ganyan.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Di nila ikayayaman Yan. Nkakalungkot tlga sa mga ugaling gnyan.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oo they think that money is there life. Sana maawa sila sa kapwa tao

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ang iba ay sadyang gahaman tlga sa pera kya buhay tlga nila ay pera tsk tsk..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sinabi mo pa , Pera Ang nagbibigay Kasi Ng kaligayahan sa kanila.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Does the owner of the store knows the behavior of the staff? Or it was the owner itself was rude?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sep, wana kay fb2 naa koy gipand send nimo,

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wa man Kay gipang send gud, basin ad2 ka nag send sa Daan nga account ..ayaw didto..ad2 Ra sa bag o pag send.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Naa koy go send mga hiring sayanga taohana.

$ 0.00
2 years ago man ayay work nana man comment2 gud dre

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Your aunt is doing a great work.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeps, she's so practical this time luci, and making everything decision is Right.

$ 0.00
2 years ago