10,000 reason to live and make legacy more meaningful

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2 years ago
Topics: Life, Works, Role, Hardwork, Reasoning, ...

Hi! dear friends today I will share to you reason why do you have to live. In some point many people are just making their life devoid that even a simple things turns into complexity let me illustrate what I mean; In some different aspect people commiting mistakes right? A simple mistakes might give hard time to overcome cause you are perfectionist person. Is that even good to us being like that? I use to say no cause their are so many instances that we might committed few mistakes I'm not saying we must be perfect but trying also our best. Do you get what I mean? Not quite; There are so many reasons why do we have to live with legacy.

A legacy is _________________?

It is the concept about life and living. We have learnings from our experience and even from the past, when we recall our past it seems theres no doubt that we obtained so many obstacles. We are in the present, which allow us to think and reshape our fate in the future.

According to some expert

Legacy is one of the basic to what is being a normal person or human. I have read some articles that said it shows a person without a sense of accountability of working to formulate a legacy. There are people loses the true meaning of life. Such when we making a deeper concept of legacy it typically bestows a glimpse not only for human relationship and creating strong community yet also the soul of every people.

Many Reasons to live

Reasons are already Depends on You

The purpose of your life didn't depend on any person, things and even career. It might not be on them to find reasons to live. The reason behind that is the meaning of your life for so long does not mean to say it has to remain that way for the rest of your life. When you assigned the true meaning of your life to that material things or any person, you can also reassign to something else that is appropriate.

Moving forward and Always Changing that's what Life is.

Have experience being saturated with agony for a long period of time and it feels like your gonna be quitting for that reason cause you think that the world is against on you. Then probably a friend of mine will probably start to showing sympathy, but later on they will push you and tell you that you need to be strong and stand on your ground. " The question is when are you going to do that?" It is easy to say with frustration to have this comments. Like how can they possibly know the entire storyline of your pain and loss you're enduring. But to tell you prankly speaking you have the domain to control over yourself. And nothing will change if you yourself does no start.

You don't have to find your purpose in Life

I have frequently seen those people became lost in their queries about finding for their genuine purpose. They try so many careers and end up with nothing, sometimes disappointed and frustrated every moment cause it didn't feel were what is to be with them. It also happens when someone instinct feels like they are not doing profitable at anything. And suddenly they give up and let go of what they like. To simplify this we need to surrender our purpose. It's not something I could get by finding within. Rather, our purpose is already their it shows our actions when we have making things that could make us happy.

Most Challenging Moments are the ones that gives us best definition of us

The reality is the most tragic moments in our life are the ones that give definition of us. These are moments that bring our greatest opportunities, if we have the courage to negate them. I have this through my personal experience. When I I was admitted to hospital cause of a highest temperature which is 40 degrees above I was so nearly collapse that time, imagine reaching the highest temperature that couldn't be easy. It found out that I was infected with dengue. When I heard from the doctor that it seems to be cured earlier if I will drink 20 liters of water a day. I would be ease from that dengue. But it was tough for me being in the hospital for almost a week that was miserable situation. I realize that if I will be seized from that disease I can't do anything else, thus I have a purpose in life I will not everything will fall because of this so I must be steadfast so I try to follow those advices from the doctor and seems I followed them all. In a matter of days my platelets are getting lower.

You will find Purpose when you have started with kindness

When you are searching for a reason to live, it is easy to become introspective. Trying to define your purpose or find a reason behind it and live. You can start to search on yourself through your own actions. Just begin with kindness. Because kindness to yourself and to those who is around you simply acts that it reminds you that respect and love not the only yourself but also to other people.

Thousand of reason why we live with legacy because we have other people behind our success. Be grateful for what you have and always remember that God doesn't allow you take a path if you can transcend it. There must be a purpose for that. And you'll making it through your actions with kindness.

I use that title 10,000 reasons to live and make legacy meaningful cause I try to bestow a figure of speech which can denote the infinite meaning of Purpose.

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Avatar for Jopix404
2 years ago
Topics: Life, Works, Role, Hardwork, Reasoning, ...


You're right about purpose my friend... You'll find it if you live a day at a time and be kind to others ...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes to change our fate is showing our kindness to everyone. No matter what happens always not to wait for the exchange.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Your words are deep my friend... Goodluck to you... Stay safe... Looking forward to more articles from you...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

"Moving forward and always changing of what life is" indeed!! I agree on it. The agony of life is always paired by the happiness no matter how life is hard still this could be the best thing to happen because life is worth to taste the fruit of success after all the agony.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes it is always paired with happiness , we must just wait and be patience when we are facing changes in our life

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes my friend. I agree we should keep moving forward. We shouldn't stay at a one place but we need to explore also to discover new things then it will help you the meaning of life and you will found the true purposes of our life.

Based on what you've said my friend. It's depend of a person. It's depend of us that's why we should always choose the things that give us a power to walk forward.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Life will test us in order for us to find and realize those reasons why life is precious.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yups life is a gift that does not equal value it is our special gift from above . Thanks for dropping here.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Tuod unsa namn adto nata bhouse, kay mag usa ta adtug himog article hahah

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Usa jud kas idol nko sa mga expert writer dreas read sep, 😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ayay idol sa imong konot , Ikaw noon dagko na kaau og kita gani. Astig pajod mohimo. Porazo muanha nako ugma okay Ra?

$ 0.00
2 years ago