Why routines are so important

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1 year ago

It's not about the end, It's about the process.

Everyone has periods of unproductivity where they feel like they are wasting too much time of the day in things that aren't good for their development, and this might have to do with a lot of factors like the pull that social media has on us, jobs that put too much emphasis on repetitive tasks or any other thing that represents a distracted environment. However, what makes us so unproductive in the first place is a lack of direction and order in the process of achieving our goals. That's why in this article I'll talk about something that is important for any project, your personal development and any other area of your life, which is planning with regards to your time, better known as routines, highlighting the benefits these can have for you in order to make you stick to one. Let's begin:

Image taken from Pixabay.com. Author: ds_30

The benefits of having a routine.

Routines for productive means (Not to be confused with ruts) are always mentioned when a successful person is asked about how he/she reached his/her level of accomplishment, and this is justified by the fact that to reach any significant goal and mastery in Itself, a process of constant work and practice has to be repeated before hitting the significant milestone, process that is molded into a routine that is effective enough to push the person to his/her limits everyday and make that a habit that sticks.

With regards to the impact that a routine can have in your life, we can count:


Predictability doesn't have to be a bad thing, as being in a constant state of confusion with regards to what you are going to do for the day can be much more unpleasant than having a structured system that puts you a step closer to your goal with each iteration, in the while giving you a sense of purpose and joy.

Make hard things easy

Most activities upon the first attempts are really challenging for any individual, where in the first days or weeks a period of struggle is experienced whilst learning and getting used to the basics of a specific discipline, period that If It is endured will make the following dates much more endurable as what were previously considered hard tasks are now habits.

Gives you a sense of accountability

What better sensation than that of feeling like a responsible individual who gets things done everyday? For me this is probably the main positive effect that a routine can have on you, providing a sense of gratification after completing all the items on your list that is second only to the pleasure of meaningful events in life, thus making you an overall happier person.

Image taken from Pixabay.com. Author: mohamed_hassan

I hope that this article could have been of use to you, providing you with many reasons as to why you should follow a routine that lets you grow everyday and get the most out of every second of your time, reminding you that a routine doesn't only have to be uniquely surrounded of tasks, though also of little pleasures so you can make It more enjoyable. Thank you for your support and good luck!

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1 year ago


Having a daily routine is good and it has saved me from unnecessary stress. As for me, I do the hardest things in the morning and do the rest by afternoon. It makes my day productive

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That's also a great strategy, working on what you want and taking decisions when your levels of energy are at their highest. Thank you for your support!

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1 year ago