The importance of eye contact

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1 year ago

A look away from friendship

Many of us feel awkward in social situations, not knowing about the other person's cues and body language at all, so they can't paint an accurate description of what the other person finds interesting in the conversation and If whether he/she wants to continue It. Well, there might be one thing that unironically you might be "overlooking" and that's looking people direct at the eyes. I know It might be a little weird at the beginning, though this is one, If not the single most important aspect you have to take into account in face to face communication, all because of a series of benefits that It brings to any interaction with another person. That's why this article will try to convince you of the importance of eye contact, all through the description of the "communicational advantages" It brings. Let's begin.

Showing Interest

Nothing shows more interest than looking at the other person in the eye. In this way you can show to the other person that you're invested in the conversation and validate (even if you don't agree) their opinions through your attention. Even though, something that you can't fake is genuine interest in what the other person's saying, so in this case eye contact will be more a symptom of It.

Being able to know how they react:

There are a lot of subtle hints in the human body that show whether someone is comfortable or not when talking about certain topics, and some of them can be found in the gaze of a person, whether in the way of the pupiles contracting, shrinking their eyes or them looking away for a little moment when presented with that precise statement. So, If you want to decipher a person's true intentions, one of the first places you have to look at is in the eyes.

Appearing confident

Nothing says confidence and not fearing a particular person's presence like looking them at the eyes comfortably, all without looking at other directions suddenly. By being able to focus on a particular object (your interlocutor) without distractions you will look more comfortable, attractive and engaged. so better make sure that you're looking at the other person without nervousness.

Again, I hope that this article could bring a positive impact in your life, letting you know about how essential It is to do something so simple like looking at the other person in the eyes, letting you know that as any skill, It is something you have to practice consistently in order to get better at It and encouraging to improve your social skills through this simple tweak. Thank you for your support and good luck!

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1 year ago


Definitely when speaking we need to have eye contact. Because some answers we get through eye contact rather than speaking.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I never liked having eye contact. They say eyes are the window of the soul and I have lots to hide. I don't want to show anybody what, and who I am.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hi. I understand that you don't want to look at people in the eyes too much fearing that they might know your secrets. For social interactions It is more of a way to show interest and make the other person comfortable in your presence. They won't think you're X, Y or Z by just looking at you, though I completely respect It If you decide to take that approach.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I hope I can cope with that someday my friend

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1 year ago