The benefits of breakfast

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1 year ago

The first thing you should do in the morning

With a lot of diets that are present nowadays, a great amount of people tend to overlook and underestimate what a good breakfast can do for your life just pairing It with a waste of time to other pursuits. Alimentary habits are unique to each person and what works for one might not do It for another, as you can see in examples of people that like to work out fasted in the morning. However, for most people, having a healthy breakfast is the difference between a good day or a nightmare of 24 hours. That's why in this article I will remark to you the importance of having breakfast when you wake up in the morning by higlighting some of the benefits It can bring to your life. Let's begin:

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1.- Improves your focus

Have you ever passed through this? You wake up late for your classes and you have to hurry neglecting your breakfast, and It all seems to go well till a couple hours pass by. Your belly begins to make weird noses, your attention seems to go in every direction and you begin to think of what you really want at that moment, some food. This can even bring you headaches and that's your brain's way of telling that you should ingest something rich in fat and proteins to satiate your hunger.

Image taken from Author: the5th

2.- Decreases the probability of getting depressed and anxious:

When people are hungry they feel angry, sad and every other negative emotion that can be amplified by It. When many people leave to work in their fasted state they usually get depressed pretty fast and that's because when handling stress in this manner the body generates enough insulin to take away the sugar of your blood. So always be mindful to get your breakfast so you can have a stable mood throughout the day.

Image taken from Author: silviarita

3.- Sets you up for a better day:

Now that you know that by eating breakfast you'll have a more stable mood and an increased sense of focus, you'll know that the quality of your day will also improve because of that, making a great impact in your overall productivity and the ability to handle pain, stress and any other condition, recognizing that this point is a result of the previous two.

Image taken from Author: PublicDomainPictures

I hope that this article could have been of use in making you see the many great things that a healthy and nutritious breakfast can bring you, making you not only a better thinker, though also improve emotionally and productivity wise. Another piece of advice would be to have a consistent sleep schedule and to be mindful of what you spend your time in so you can be the best version of yourself. Thank you for your support and good luck!

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1 year ago


Breakfast makes you start your day great

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1 year ago

For me, I can't do anything in a day without having breakfast first. It's one of the important meal for our body, so we never skip it.

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1 year ago