Sometimes Unaction is the best course of action

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2 years ago

Thinking too much?

A lot of anxieties plague our mind day by day, making us more and more nervous and getting our thoughts to shift by the second. All of this has to do with the uncertainty of action, how can certain problems be solved. This is normal to our human condition as our brain tries to figure out different pathways to a satisfactory conclussion. However, there are other kind of thoughts that haunt our minds, even If they're not remotely related to something we're going to do in the future, relating more to the data of the past and drawing up worse case scenarios on top of that. That's why in this article i will highlight some ways in which you can relieve your mind from having all these anxities, and even If not, making them much more lighter. Let's begin by highlighting a principle:

The root of the worst thoughts are thoughts Itself:

Have you ever tried to stop yourself from thinking about a particularly difficult or unpleasant thing? You surely did find out that It didn't make the memory disappear, quite the opposite, It made It much more stronger, sticking in your mind for longer and causing you much more pain. That's why many of us suffer in life, whether in social situations, where we are constantly evaluating If the person we're with really likes us, how we're going to be late when we wake up after the determined hour and so on. All is caused by the constant voice in our brains that is telling us how x or y is gonna make things worse for us and repeating us our failures. However, If we just stopped thinking about the future or the past, and live in the present for a moment, just focusing on what we have at hand, like the resolution of those problems that caused us so much distress, we'll find ourselves much more energized and disposed to develop the right solution.

What you can do to make the thoughts disappear?

There are a lot of practices that can be done to stop all this anxiety from affecting your mind, between them are some that we're already familiarized with:

1.- Meditation

Probably the most common tool used for controlling this phenomena, where you dedicate 10 to 60 minutes of your day to just focus in one specific thing, desconnecting your mind from pettiness and problems and just entering in that state of "relaxation". This can prove benefitial, though for a short period of time. The main problem with meditation is that it takes a little fraction of your day to let go of those thoughts, though If leaves us to our own in the impending our, usually going back to what mortified us. So you can say that It is good though only in limited periods of time.

2.- Recognizing when you can't control things:

Stoic philosophies reference that If you can't control something, then why bother by It? There isn't a thing that you can do to make It work, and certainly whining about It and blaming yourself won't get you closer to the solution, so reminding yourself that It is not your fault, and that you can just control how you react can prove of great benefit.

3.- Sometimes just live in the moment and focus.

As I've pointed out previously, not listening to that little voice in your mind trying to get you to become a nerve wrack and just doing It anyways can prove much better than If you do the opposite, first making you more daring, giving you resilience and making much more probable that you'll act the next time. So focusing just in what you have to face can be probably one of the best things to use against this common enemy.

I hope that with this article I could have provided you with some guidelines regarding how to have a mind free of unnecesary preocupations and make you more effective, whether in your work, relationships or life in general. Thank you for your support and good luck!

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2 years ago


Oh it is true that there were times that our minds is so occupied by the things we shouldn't think at all but unwinding, enjoying myself and focusing to something positive is a big help.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Meditation works to me the most especially when things are really out of my hand anymore and all I can inevitably do is to worry. But I can also find that two efficient as well.

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2 years ago