Some tips for getting more done

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1 year ago

A little bit of encouragement

It's no surprise that the difference between a good and a bad day is what you do with It, what happens to you and how you react to those external events, and It is precisely in the first of these factors that I'll focus in this article in order to encourage you to make little tweaks to your routine and your direct environment, all to get you to be more productive and effective with whatever habit you might be trying to make permanent in your day to day, in consequence giving you more peace of mind and a wider smile when you approach everything in life. Let's begin:

Just Put It Right in Front of You

Sometimes we might not do what we're supposed to do because of two things, we feel too overwhelmed by the thought of performing a particular action that might cause initial resistance, thus having a great deal of overthinking and, in the worst case, selecting the lesser behavior instead; that and the fact that nowadays we have a pretty reduced attention span paired with a selective memory for the things that only interest us. Well, what you can apply to kill these two birds with just one stone is something so simply as putting the cause of your internal dilemma right in front of you, from putting watter bottles at the side of your desk to opening a tab in your browser with your assignments, you can make apparent the particular task so the guilt of not doing It can win over laziness.

Use Accountability:

One thing that has worked in making my life much more organized is writing about how to get one's existence in order. Now my moral compass is constantly reminding me of where I might require some improvement and giving some "negative encouragement" in the form making me feel like a failure to the people that read my articles If I don't act properly to my mission in life. You can apply this to your own life too, either by sharing what you do with your friends and promising them things that you should deliver in order to work harder so you can become a credible and active person.

Break It down

Another thing that might make trivial tasks look like slaying dragons is the fact that they are formed by a succession of many other activities that are required to achieve in order to get you to progress, and these are really simple in comparison to the overall product, so the best thing you can do in order to overcome the fear of doing something is to look at It in a compartmentalized manner, breaking down any project you have into little steps, in this way making much more easy for you to focus on one thing at a time and actually feel like you progress even when you don't feel like It.

I hope that this article could have been of use to you, providing with a series of strategies you can apply in your daily life all so you can increase the probabilities of doing things that you really should be doing and make you a better person with each iteration of them, leaving you with some words of encouragement found in the phrase "Success is a matter of habit". As always, thank you for your support and good luck!

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1 year ago


Thanks for this encouragement, it really helps our journey in life

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thank you for this tips my friend. This is really helpful to everyone. An informative article from yours my friend. This is helpful to make individuals to be a better person.

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1 year ago