Problem Trees

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2 years ago

An animated way to figure out the bills

As simple as they might look from afar, we all know that when a problem strikes us, we're prone to overreact and pass through different stages before accepting It and thinking about It in objective terms. That's why we have used a lot of methods through history to make our decision making process better when It comes to handling obstacles in the way. In this article I'll talk about a specific method to diagnose a particular inconvenient, the causes of It and the effects It might generate If not treated, in this case using an animated analogy to represent all the components of It. Let's begin by defining what a problem tree is:

What's a problem tree?

A problem tree is a method used for the diagnostic of a particular problem at hand, taking It as the main problem, while also taking into account Its causes and the effects It will generate. It uses, as a diagram, the figure of a tree and the different parts of It as a way to represent the situation as a whole.

Talking more specifically, when using the different parts of a tree as a way to portrait the problem, we will take the following "sections" of It to guide our portrait:

Trunk = Main Problem

In this part of the tree we'll put the main problem, the thing we're actually trying to solve.

Roots = Causes

As the root of a tree, the "roots" of the problem are to be found here, where we'll put the principal factors that influence the emergence of the main problematic.

Branches = Consequences

In this part we'll put all the ramifications that the problem has caused when left unattended.

Advantages of using Problem Trees

There's a lot of benefits we can get from the use of this method of diagnostic, though the main advantages It provides can be reduced to two factors, such as:

More visually engaging: In this way is easier to memorize all the components of the whole position.

Less overwhelming: By using a summarized account of the difficulties we face, we avoid the use of overtly complicated paragraph and we can focus better on the main content.

I expect that the provided information can be of use to you, helping you to understand better all the stages that involve the diagnostic of a problem, giving you a powerful tool to better understand how setbacks might occur and what they can devolve into. Thank you for support and good luck!

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2 years ago


Yes, we are using the problem tree analysis during planning activities. It is indeed very effective. Planning process can be exciting too. There are times when we thought of a certain issue as a problem but when you analyze further, you will find out that it is a result and not the main problem.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

From the part of the tree that I like is the root, because the root is a factor that can find problems in human life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago