How to work towards a Project?

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2 years ago

Wanting to build a rocket to mars with Youtube Tutorials?

We all had worked and might also be working currently in a particular project, no matter of what dimensions and of which subject, and we'll also find the same difficults as we try to get It done, these being the feeling of getting to nowhere, not understanding a thing and simply the fear of starting. Don't worry, this is normal in projects that require us to learn a lot in order to increase our competence as we get through different stages of our learning curve. Here are a handful of strategies that might serve of use to you in your journey in order to get the most out of your time and your knowledge while progressing. Let's begin:

1.- Breaking in Little Chunks.

You can't get to the end goal in a simple stroke, as It might take days, months or god knows how much time to get there, so a more intelligent approach is to take the time to delineate the goal and create an specific plan for Its completion, a plan where you take into account the steps and little actions (So Far as to foresee what you'll be doing day by day) that might be slightly above your current capacities, in order to make It engaging and challenging enough for you to go at It without feeling frustrated or bored. Remember that you won't know much in the beginning, so the best way to do It is to be progressive, increasing slightly the level of challenge and beginning with the fundamentals.

2.- Have a measure of your progress.

Again, more time with your notebook. In order to know you're advancing, and in this way make you hungry for more, you have to take notes regarding what you do every instance you keep hammering. In this way there will be an assurance that you're really making an advancement with the overall task and, in case you're not doing It, to identify what you're doing wrong and correct upon this. In this way, you can give a register of self-accountability that can prove wonders when trying to improve and become more efficient in order to get faster to your goal.

3.- Set Deadlines.

Sometimes, the hardest part of getting a thing done is to sit ourselves and do It. Our brain is tricky, as It always has an excuse to invent and a time to leave things to, a time that will probably be forgotten and will make you keep procrastinating things. In order to avoid this, a great strategy is to set imaginary deadlines that give you a sense of responsibility in order to deliver in the determined timeframe, this will keep you more engaged to the job and will give It a sense of finality as you try to just do things. If you still find It hard to get going even when you set yourself deadlines, you can try to make them more real, either by commenting about them to a friend and promising to show him/her what you made. In that way, you'll have a negative incentive, as not finishing in the promised date will make you seem like a fraud. In this way you can be more efficient with the hours spent and gather some will to do It.

Finally, we hope that the strategies presented above can be of use to you, providing you with tips that can make easier for you to attach to the tasks that envelop the making of a progress. We wish you the best of luck with any of your projects in the long run and we sure know that you can do It.

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Avatar for JophMax
2 years ago


Than you for these tips, I must say they are very good ones. working on any project is never easy but with the right steps one can achieve the best

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Good ideals, working towards a project it's not a day works, you must advertiser your projects for people's to know and also comment about and giving good tips.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

A very helpful pointers in achieving a goal. Slowly but surely making our move towards the goal is best than hastening up which mostly resulted in an inappropriate outcome.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks for the tips. The challenge of achieving a goal lies in the strategy.

$ 0.00
2 years ago