How to sit and do your work

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1 year ago

Simple and Complex at the same time

We've spent many days telling ourselves that the present one is going to be our most productive, that as soon as we hop out of bed we're going to do all our pending work and at end the day we will end with a smile in our faces due to all the rewarding hard work, even making predictions as to how we're gonna repeat this practice the rest of our lives. Then, your phone begins to ring with all kinds of notification, making you instantly turn back to It, scrolling through different publications and emails, making you waste some precious hours of the day. Then you wake up, have breakfast and you head back to your room, where you have all your work tools ready, however, there's one thing missing, you. Your mind begins to pop out with new distractions and things to think about instead of doing your boring chores. That's where the difference between getting It done and not doing It radicates. If you listen to that little voice you'll end up with nothing when you go to sleep, and If you do the opposite you'll get into your work in no time. All this internal dialogue happens in every thing that's good for us because usually those things are not entertaining, at some points even being boring, and in the other side all the distractions represent something that's very funny for us. However, in this article I present you why eliminating the option of distracting yourself either with phones, consoles or any other thing that you can resort to in order to deviate you from your job can be a really benefitial thing. Let's begin:

How To Do It?

It is quite simple, you take out all the things that can represent a distraction for you, things you might find "more entertaining" than your job though you know are not as good or even damaging in the long run. In this way the first thing you should put in another room is your phone, followed by gaming PCs or consoles and then any other object that can take your attention from what you should be doing. Now you would be more prone to do your job, as the opposite of not doing It is just staring at the wall in complete boredom.

Why Should I do It?

If you expected a magic trick to actually sit down and do things, you are in the wrong place. To get anything done there comes practice and countless hours of boredom, so why not embrace It? By actually working in that project that has been constantly lurking in your mind, It will be not only much more probable that you will do It the next as you're building momentum, though also you will find yourself much more entertained and embued with a sense of internal satisfaction because you're dealing with situations in your life that really matter and are contributing to your development.

With this said, I hope that with this article you could have gathered useful information as to how and why taking out distractions from your work enviroment can make great differences when It comes to do the hard work in your life, taking out anything pleasurable that can detract and make you procrastinate. Thank you for your support and good luck!

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1 year ago


I strongly agree with you, most times I will just lie on my bed and schedule the activities of the day but getting out of bed is a problem, and executing those things I had plan won't be possible

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