Differences between Positivity and Toxic Positivity

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2 years ago

When bright becomes too bright

Our ideals in life are highlighted in positive terms, such as wealth, spirituality, a meaningful practice, and over all, a positive outlook in life. Most people like to look at things from the brighter side and actually rejoice in the little moments that the world has to offer, keeping a wide smile when all is going good. However, we can't be happy and "Good Vibes" in any moment as there'll unavoidably be many setbacks along the road that will affect not only us, though other people in our vicinity. These kind of situations are when the contrast between healthy and responsible positivity comes against a selfish and toxic kind of view upon everything, toxic positivity. Let's begin by talking what these two are

What is Positivity? (The Good One)

Positivity, or having a positive mental attitude, is described as a state of mind where we are constantly living according to our most cherished values and enjoy in a great way the moments of happiness that we face as time passes, where hope becomes one of the guiding factors of this way to look at life, knowing that even If there might be sadness and really bad situations we might be in, at the end of the day the sun will still come up, granting us the strength to beat these obstacles.

What is Toxic Positivity?

Basically, this is when taking the concept of positivity too far makes Itself present. Let'say one of your loved ones die (may God protect all of them) and as you look at the other persons crying from the realization that he/she will not be with us anymore, you say "Well, It could have been worse". This overgeneralization of having an optimistic attitude across all situations represents a harmful behavior for the individual, as It covers all negative emotions and experiences, which might be therapeutic to mourn and just covers It all with a "I'm feeling good always" kind of mentality.

Now that we know what these two are all about, we can begin to talk about when positivity comes too far and becomes toxic positivity, highlighting the main differences between them.

Experiencing Inconveniences

When something bad happens that makes someone frustrated, a positive person takes into account that It is healthy to let It all out, even If It is in a controlled way, and If there is someone that has caused this frustration, telling the other person in a polite manner. However, If you have a "toxic positivity" attitude, you'll keep It all your resentments to yourself and will instead pretend that you're doing fine, seeing a good side in the worst and putting up a fake smile.

Taking to people who experience bad situations

When someone is struggling in life, a positive person that really cares about them will ask them how is all going, why and what makes them anxious, listening attently to what the other has to say and being there for them, showing empathy. a practicant of "toxic positivity" will just give the person advice saying "Tomorrow will be better, just keep grinding" and leave.

Having a Conversation

Optimistic or positive people don't have to say that everything's perfect at all times to keep being that, because at the end of the day they will still be human beings, with insecurities and fears, matters that can be solved or treated If conversed with someone they trust and cares for them. However, with "Toxic positivity" they will usually say at all times that they're feeling great and nothing could be better, even If all points out that the kind of problem they're in is becoming worse, being blind to what's happening to them.

I hope that with this little article I could have guided you through the differences between an optimistic and positive person and someone who goes too far with the concept of positivity, making you assess more what this term really means. Thank you for support and good luck!

If you want to know more about how suppressing emotions is bad for you, I present you with the next article:


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2 years ago


Positive thinking is something that is very important in our lives, but excessive positive thinking will make our lives worse, for example we always love someone who has died, even though he can no longer live with us anymore.

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