Death and Destiny

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1 year ago

After Identities are gone

When you perceive the world and the people surrounding you, you can do so in different manners. One might be to identify people for their material wealth and the things their possess, other to look at them from the perspective of their personalities, their zodiacal sign and maybe an infinite array of ways in which you can see existence. However, have you ever considered that at the end of the day everything and everyone is just nothing? I'm not saying this from a nihilistic perspective to try to push into your mind that everything's meaningless, though the opposite. What I'm saying is that by shedding some light that we came here through birth and we're gonna go through the reality of death, maybe the only things we all share at the end of the day, and that focusing on pointless things like identifying ourselves and other people with adjectives that are so reductive will make us more miserable than we are, not knowing that every person's a different story with a complex soul. That's why in this article I will present you with some of the benefits of considering yourself and others as "really nothing special" and "destined to die", thus giving you some insight as to how to make yourself feel really free. Let's begin:

If you're Nobody, then you don't have to be ashamed of your innate flaws

Maybe you grew up to have an anxious personality, an explosive temperament or a kinda obnoxious way of acting. Well, once you figure out that you can't control or change these things, by recognizing that you are nobody, you won't feel particularly ashamed of your flaws or less than other people for having them, though grateful for having an unique path that destiny has created for you (Though with this I'm not saying that you shouldn't work to improve upon your imperfections If you can do so).

Eliminating Fear

There are many fears in life, though the most prominent are to be found in the fear of death and judgement from our peers, and these might be deeply rooted in our minds as they were once used as survival mechanisms, though once you find yourself in a comfortable position and anxiety makes Its entrance, It becomes a double edged sword. One thing you can do is to stop the overidentification with things like "shameful" or "worthless" when you're imagining what others might be thinking of you by recognizing that worries are mere distractions with a purpose and a short lifespan.

Makes you feel grateful

Nothing makes you appreciate the moment more than to recognize the temporality of It, and this can be applied not only to situations, though also to your loved ones, the things you love to do and the fact of just existing. There have been more human beings in this earth that you might even conceive to think about and you are here in this particular moment having these thoughts. Maybe all can end in a matter of hours, minutes or even seconds, so one thing to have in mind in order to feel grateful for what life has brought to you is to recognize that nothing's forever, and that's what makes It so valuable.

I hope that this article could have given you some insight as to why you should stop worries, labeling people and feeling despondent of life to focus more on the things that will do you better and cause the greatest impact not only in your own vecinity, though in the whole world, always keeping in your mind that the present day can be your last one. Thank you for your support and good luck!

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1 year ago


We must be grateful in every thing. Life may not be rosy all the time

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