Competition is not BAD

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1 year ago

Always strive to be the best

One of the most publicized pieces of advice in the modern of world is the one that tells you to not compare yourself with other people and always seek to be the best version of yourself, and I agree with this, though only to an extent. If you don't have a reference of what to reach in life your pace will be slowed when trying to reach your goals, and one of the most effective ways to bring this point of comparison in your pursuit of that end goal in life is to establish your actual position with regards to someone who has reached a higher ecchelon and plan upon ways on how to reach or even surpass the individual who is the objective of your comparisons. That's why in this article I will point you with many of the benefits of having a healthy competition mindset, all so you can push harder in life by using one of the primal motivators we posess as a species. Let's begin:

An extra kick of energy

There might be times when your reserves of energy and dedication to your journey drains, making you wonder your purpose and getting closer to the point of throwing the towel. Well, one great way to get you back on track is to have a particular "rival" in mind, in this way making you know that when you're there slowing your pace down, they'll surely crank the power up and work to improve themselves. By triggering this competitive part of our brain, you'll get more energy to apply in the day and have a secondary purpose to reach our goals.

Makes you finish what you started

Along with the line of thought of "While I'm begin lazy, the other person's hustling", we'll have that you'll be more able to get to the end of whatever task you begin so you can get rid of all the doubts of how the other person progress might be going. In this way you'll be able to finish what you begin to read, demanding exercise routines or any other endeavour in which you can picture someone doing It better than you and not wanting to be left out.

It makes you strive for the best

A point akin to the other two. When you remember that your counterparts are also working to get to where you want to be by perfecting their skills, you'll push yourself to always seek the best result in everything, wanting to humiliate every other person in the race and get to the first place without a single doubt of your competence. That's probably why high competitors like Michael Jordan or Kobe Bryant got to a point of mastery that put them in a place too high to reach for other people, because they were always working on every aspect of their repertoire of techniques and their condition knowing that everyone wanted to take them out from the positions they worked so hard to get.

I hope that this article could have been of use to you, remembering of the importance of being competitive to reach success in life while providing with the many benefits of having a mindset that finds in everything a great way to prove your abilities against each other and letting you know that while you're here reading this, other people are working to get closer to the dreams you want to reach. Thank you for your support and good luck!

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1 year ago


Nice article, competition is not bad but sometimes it can come with jealousy

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1 year ago