Capacitors, Part lll

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2 years ago

Finally, something that everyone can understand again

In the previous parts, we showcased the concept of capacitors in general, highlighting their overall functioning and how they make the effect of "storaging" energy through them. To close the matter, we'll present you different types of this same component and why they're used. Well let's go:

Electrolytic Capacitors:

The most common type of capacitors, or the ones we see more frequently in all devices. They have cilyndric form, made of alumynium usually, and they have the characteristic of having a defined polarity, where the part with the grey/white band represents the side with negative polarity. It's recommended to watch twice while connecting in order to make sure that every line is set up in the right way, because If the polarities are inverted, the device will surely blow up or bulge. They use an special liquid in them that makes the function of layers. They're regularly used for circuits with high current and low frequency. i.e: to rectify the voltage that goes out of a bridge rectifier.

Ceramic Capacitors:

Also one of the most common variants of the capacitor. They have different forms in them, though the one we see the most is usually the 104, a little device with the shape of a lentil. They are used generally for stages of a circuit in which the voltage is low and the frequency is relatively high for electrical noise suppression, though If a device that can withstand higher tension differences is required, a high voltage ceramic capacitor will be required. The capacitance of this components is in the range of nF.

Film Capacitors:

They receive this name because of their internal component, where two pieces of plastic film with metallic electrodes are rolled in a cilyndric form, where their terminals close and connect. What distinguishes them is that they have low current losses because of internal resistance and also low inductance. In this way, they are used for high power circuits with high currents and high frequency. They are also an ideal choice for high temperatures. Usually, they're used in TVs for current deviation where It needs to be put to 0.

Tantalium Capacitors:

Seen from afar, they can be mistaken by a ceramic type capacitor, though be careful with them, because they have polarity. What makes them so special and valuable is that they mix the best of ceramic capacitors and electrolytic capacitors, where they can keep their small size while mantaining high capacitance values, this due to the fact that they use tantalium in the positive side of the device, which results in a small dielectric between the layers, all this added to the fact that they have small losses due to equivalent resistance and their stability, which makes them ideal for the requirements of modern technology, in which the size of equipment is always reducing more and more while requiring more or less the same amount of energy.

With the explanation of some models of capacitors, we can finish our journey through the beautiful world that these form part of. We hope that this series of articles can serve of use to you and that It sparks your interest in the world of electronics in general.

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2 years ago


In my school days I feel bored about reading this topic but this article is so much easy to understand.... literally thanks

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