Boil It Down to the basics

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1 year ago

Sometimes is as simple as that

Have you ever found yourself with a problem that at first sight seemed like a walk in the park, though as you began to approach It and get immersed into It, you thought that It was impossible, only to encounter the solutions after days or weeks of consideration in the basics of that particular discipline. From basic math for really complex equations to that book that you read in your first year of college to make your thesis, In this article I will show you the importance of checking where you started from time to time with three of the benefits It brings, all so you can remember to act in accordance to these principles and check If what you're doing is correct at a fundamental level. Let's begin:

Simplifies the process

When you approach something and have a solid base regarding what you're doing, you'll absorb new concepts with relative easiness, in this way making the process of problem solving much less difficult. Alongside with this, by comparing the results you get to how things should act in principle you'll have a reliable source to verify is your actions are having a positive feedback.

Gives you perspective of your advancement

Sometimes you might feel stuck or like you're heading nowhere, and you might need some encouragement to know where you're standing at. Looking at where It all began can really show you how much you have advanced and give you that extra spark to keep going at what you love to do.

Makes you more objective

Going back to the principles is not limited to practical areas, as It can serve you in any area of life. sometimes things can get out of hand in personal matters like an accident and you might need to discover the reasons of those inconvenients which can only be found is you get through your emotions and your reactions in the moment, which can be difficult to overcome If you look at It in complex terms. What you should really do in this cases is to reduce the factors of the problem to Its constituent parts. An example to this might be to look at the lack of communication in a relationship for Its actual problems rather than blaming the other person, which will only be achieved going back to the basics.

I hope that this article could have given you some insight when It comes to going back to what has worked and It's the base of what you're currently studying, all so you can begin to look back when things might get seemingly out of hand in a difficult manner and find a solution in the fundamentals. Thank you for your support and good luck!

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1 year ago


Great article, first step to going through something new or something you haven't tried before is to simply the process

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1 year ago