Hello read cash family? How are you today. The weather is bad here, and its raining. Are you done eating? Hope you are doing well today.
So as a students many of us experienced the blended learning system and I am one of them.
So today I was busy doing my Proposal for our Final Term to be submitted this month, and I quick write an article here just to update you guys..
So this is what Im doing right now. I was encoding all the ideas and opinion contributed to our members. I am the one who insisted to encode this because the deadline was nearer and there are lots of activities to be done for so I should be in hurry.
We assigned a task in which our members will do, and yeahh its done but in order to be done I am the one who do it, and i just barrowed a laptop for my roommate. Doing this activity is so confusing, because there are members who will depend on you. The one members us so busy attending a seminars while the one also is busy doing her lucking activities.
Since I am a good girl hahaha, so I was the one who encode it.m, even if its nice to sleep and take some rest, but the modules keep on chasing me hahaha. So finally I am done.
Wowww, let's just take a break, and have some snacks. I was hungry doing our proposal so I deserve to have a snack lol. Come, let's eat hahaha :)
So that's all for today, and Im very sorry for not active due that i have some thing to be done.. Take care always guys and GODBLESS :)
Good luck with your proposal and studies! That chocolate cake, that is not fair, you are a tease and I want some lol