Parenting: The Journey of a First Time Plant Parent

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3 years ago
Topics: Stories

Parenting is never easy, for the growth of your child depends on you; on your hand. You are responsible for everything, the food they eat, their vitamins to keep them healthy, their clothes to keep them warm, their shelter to protect them from storms. It all depends on you, for parenting is not just a title, rather an obligation and a responsibility.

The same goes to plants, just like a human child, a plant also needs care for them to grow, they also need vitamins to keep them healthy, they also need foods (water) to keep them fresh and not wither, they also need shelter to keep them safe from storms.

Nurturing a plant is the same as nurturing a child. Both their outcome depends on you.

How did I start as a Plant Parent?

I started my journey as a plant parent when the virus (Corona Virus Disease -19) rises. Covid-19 has changed so much to us humans, our daily lives, our work, studies, everything. We are forced to stay at home, quarantined in our private properties or areas. And because of the virus, we run out of things to do, we can't go outside our place, we can't meet our friends, mingle with other people; the choice left for us is to stay at home, nothing to do but watch on the television, hold your phone and the like.

So instead of being unproductive, wasting time watching, and using my mobile phone, I decided to start planting, flowering plants to be specific. But, how? when it's a lockdown? I'm residing in the province and the houses here are kind of far from each other, and the whole property is surrounded by fence. I only go out when I need to get the soil needed in planting, after digging some I go back right away inside the house. I'm using the balcony as the area for planting, but of course, I'm wearing face mask for my safety.

My daily routine has changed because of it; because of them (plants). If before when I wake in the morning, I wash my face and then will hold my phone, that's it, until the night comes. But when I started planting, when I wake up in the morning, I wash my face first, make a cup of coffee, and then go to my plants, checking their status, if there are bugs, or if they are withering, and then water them. That became a routine.

As my plants grow bigger, I become more in love with planting. Because seeing how they grow made me feel satisfied, made me feel proud, that I could do great things if I just work hard on it if I just dedicate my all; my time, my passion, and the burning desire to accomplish it.

A story to share

here's a story I wanna share. Before the pandemic our neighborhood isn't that colorful, pleasing in the eyes, what makes it look fresh are the weeds alone. But just like me, people in the neighborhood became more interested in planting during the pandemic. Some started planting out of boredom just to kill time, some were planting just to fit in because it's the trend. and some were planting because they want to. Our neighborhood has now lots of plantito and plantitas (we use that term for people who love plants, Plantito= Plant + Tito (uncle), Plantita= Plant + Tita (aunt)). And that made our neighborhood colorful, looks so fresh, almost all household has lots of flowers and plants in their yards.

Quarantine Plants

this is a screenshot of the file that is too big when I tried uploading the original file.

Closing thought

Have you notice something about the nature during the lockdown? The beaches were clean, less smoke from vehicles, the animals are roaming around like they were freed. The nature itself is healing. That made me think that, maybe the virus exist for mother earth to have a rest; to heal, maybe the virus is just a reminder for us to keep in touch with nature, to not forget about it.

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3 years ago
Topics: Stories


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