Collecting NFT for a Cost: Update

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Avatar for Jonjonjon
3 years ago

A month ago, I created a charity aiming to put a smile on the faces of few children in my neighborhood. It's not a big project but it surely will make the children happy.

You can check the project here:

At the beginning of the project, many showed interest and gave their support to the project, some gave their free tips on noise and spread the words about it, and some donated NFT on the project for they know that this simple act of kindness will bring a smile in the faces of the children.

During that time, I thought it will be a success because people who are all over the noise cash platform are showing kindness and generosity.

And I am so grateful to all of them. But there's this special person who stands out. It's Ms. @bmjc98, she contributed so much to the project, she gave so much of her free tips on noise and spread the post to reach wider audiences. She used her influence to help the project, and I am grateful to her for that.

Where are the NFTs collected?

All of the Non Fungible Tokens (NFT) that I have obtained from faucets, and those that are donated by the generous people of community was all on the Juungle market. I listed them all there hoping that someone will buy them. There are actually eleven (11) $RAT, fifteen (15) $ZOMBIE, and one (1) Ashwick NFT on my account.

These are some of the NFT listed on the market.


Few days after the project is being started or being implemented, the weather in my province seems to be bad, there is continuous rain that causes people not to be able to work especially their parents who are working on junkshops. I really felt sad at that time, so I decided to buy goods like noodles and biscuits using my own money. At that time I only raise a total of $4 and it is not enough to buy enough food for them, so I get some in my pocket for the meantime just to be able to buy goods to help them. Hoping that the NFTs will be sold soon.

But things didn't happen as expected, it took a lot of time for an NFT to get sold, for the juungle market now has a lot of collections, a lot of beautiful artworks.

And as of yesterday May 23, 2021, Two of the listed items were sold. They're both in 0.001 BCH price and they are both $Rat NFT.

Here is the Sale Verification of the items sold:

Here's my profile on if you want to check the NFTs listed :

Closing thought

I got to be honest, I lose hope for this project because I see no progress coming. I didn't even get a single NFT sold in a month. But I realize that there's a reason behind every delay. So I decided to continue what I have started.

Since I already gave a smile to the faces of my first beneficiary. I decided to choose other kids here, to be the next. They will be the beneficiary of the left NFTs listed on the market.

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$ 0.07
$ 0.05 from @bmjc98
$ 0.02 from @JLoberiza
Sponsors of Jonjonjon
Avatar for Jonjonjon
3 years ago


This is a noble cause, and an inspiring one. Keep it up

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks bro. I will. 🙏

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Always happy to help. <3

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Oh you really are so generous and kind. God bless you more ate.

$ 0.00
3 years ago