Morning Chatter

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Avatar for JonicaBradley
1 year ago

I come stumbling out of bed first thing in the morning to find a glass of water. I have to take a pill and then wait 30 minutes before I put anything else in my mouth. Well, in my stomach, anyway. I can, and do, brush my teeth. After my teeth and mouth are minty fresh, I sweep the floor in front of our bed. Between my husband and cat, lots of little pieces of grit collect there. Once that area is clean, I roll out my mat and start doing crunches and leg lifts. I do pushups on the wall for now, until I can build up to doing them on the floor.

Finally, when thirty minutes have passed, I am able to make my tea. I used to drink coffee, but I can't stomach it anymore. I do still love how it tastes, but it hurts my stomach. So, tea it is. I might make a piece of toast or a small bowl of oatmeal. I sit at the table in the dining nook and look out the window to watch all the birds and the gray squirrels. They like to gather in the flower bed just off of the deck.

I really enjoy eating popcorn in the evenings. It gives my hands and mouth something to do and doesn't have too many calories while also containing a lot of fiber. Every time I make popcorn, however, there are little unpopped kernels left over in the bowl. I used to put those in a little bucket along with any vegetable skins or other edible kitchen trash and feed it to my goats. I don't have goats anymore.

I just put the kernels in the flower bed. Someitnes I'll put some leftover vegetable stuff out there, too. Every morning as I sit at the table drinking tea and eating toast, I watch the tiny sparrows or finches. I'm not sure what kind of bird they are. Keith and I call them cheechee birds. Anyway, these little birds sure do love whatever I put out the night before. They bounce and chatter with each other as they explore what might be in the flower bed that morning. They are really cute! They often startle and fly away.

Sometimes what startles them is the appearance of one or two gray squirrels. The squirrels also like the leftover popcorn kernels. And the tiny cucumber ends. The other day I tossed out a bunch of grapes that were a little too ripe for my taste. The tiny chattering birds couldn't pick up the grapes no matter how hard they tried. The squirrels were able to get them, though. They would run up on the railing and sit and eat the grapes one at a time.

Slowly but surely, the startled little birds would come back. One at a time they come and check out the little flower bed. Are there any more kernels? What can we get? Suddenly there will be thirty or more little birds hopping and chattering all over the yard.

It's a nice way to spend my mornings.

For now, as soon as I'm finished with my cup of tea, I have to begin searching for jobs. Sigh. I really wish getting a job were as easy for me as it is for Keith. He really only has to think about applying somewhere and they hire him!

I have an interview today at a major hardware store as a sales associate. I was told I would be working in the lumber section if hired. I do hope I get hired, though this is not my first choice for a job. My first choice would be to work in a pet store or with a veterinarian. I've applied to these jobs also.

This morning the squirrels and the birds are done with the flower bed for today. That means I better go start the rest of my day. Today that will mainly consist of stressing out about the interview. GGAAHHHH!

Catch you on the flip side

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$ 1.07 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Avatar for JonicaBradley
1 year ago


Nice to hear how you spend your day. Interesting indeed. Hope you get the job of your choice.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

I hope so, too, but it is looking grim.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I can see how you'd fit working in a pet store or clinic. People say if animals attracted to you, it means you're trustworthy and they can recognize your energy. So I wish you good luck on your interview😊

$ 0.01
1 year ago

I really miss all my animals in Texas. I'm glad they are with a trusted friend.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hey welcome back.

I hate interviews. I despise them but need to do them. Guys literally has better employment chances that us girls

$ 0.01
1 year ago

I really hate them, too. And so far have had no luck through interviews.

$ 0.00
1 year ago