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3 years ago

I'm an extreme introvert. Meaning when I'm around people, including my own family, my energy levels drop.

I love my friend and am worried about her in her grief. I will continue to be there for her. But I'm plum worn out.

I have been fielding phone calls. I've been talking to people for her when she just can't. I've been making coffee and tea and cold drinks for visitors.

Tomorrow I'll drive her to meet her daughter at the airport. And then drive home. And probably pass out.

I hate that I'm like this. In my brain I'm a very social creature with boundless energy.

In reality I'm a grump.

I prefer silence. I don't like the tv blaring all the time. I really dislike talking on the phone.

I like books. I like to be able to find a corner and just read (and hide).

So, I'm exhausted.

But when I think of my friend and her grief. When I think of how ashamed she is feeling. (She thinks she pushed her companion to shoot himself in the head - she didn't. He was always going to do this.)

When I think of how exhausted she must be feeling.

I just push through. And I feel selfish for even feeling exhausted. . .

I took her for a very short walk yesterday.

Not up to my normal walking levels, but she was feeling weak and tired. So we only went a short way.

We spent a lot of time outside with her ducks. The white one is called Peep. The green headed ones are Hank and George. Those two actually came from my place.

We talked about the baby lambs that were born yesterday. She wanted us to name them after her friend. So we did. These lambs are going to market but I didn't tell her that.

She walked with a cane. It is a cane he made for her. It's made out of something interesting and she was very proud of it. It's made from the male anatomy of a bull.

It's going to be incredibly humid again today. I doubt we will go for a walk. It's really tough, too, because older people will feel cold no matter how hot it is!

To cheer her up a little, I took pictures of the lambs, the baby chickens, and some of our flowers.

She loves having a garden.

I need to finish up and go on over there. Today we are going to go get pedicures. I hope it is relaxing for her.

Until next time!

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Avatar for JonicaBradley
3 years ago


I hope she's feeling better after your pedicure session. And get some rest, too.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Being alone is very addicting ones you see and feel how peaceful it is you will no longer want to deal with people, and of course it has disadvantage, while the fact that you are an introvert person, you will be afraid to communicate with others, and giving an advice and comfort to others is so hard.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It's not an easy thing to do, trying to pull someone who is in deep emotional turmoil... Coupled with the fact that you are an introvert. I believe you are handling the situation of your friend very well and my regards to her. Let us talk about you @JonicaBradley ma'am, you need to go out there to find a way to mingle with friends... It's not always good to just hide in one corner you know.

If I was from your country, I would have become your greatest enemy 😅🤣🤣 because I will always come around to disturb you... Let me see how I can make that possible through this platform... I am going to be disturbing you from now 😆 😂🤣🤣 no more hiding ma'am...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Better go for pedicures :) You are a blessing to your friend for being there for her even if your are tired. I hope things will be better for her soon.

Lovely photos you shared especially the animals and flowers :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You are such a good friend. I am praying for her comfort and strength.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Better days to come One thing about old age is that once it comes around there is no reverse to it anymore.

I hope you continue to have nice time together

And moreover the ram you guys have over there are just so woolly compared to ours Lol I just wish I could be the buyer of those lambs going to the market 😀😀😀🤭🤭

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I feel the same way. Interactions tire me so much. I also don't like talking through phone, and I'd just prefer being alone in a corner, not talking to anyone.

I am also bad at comforting people, so it's so hard for me to do it when my friends are having a hard time. You're doing a good job of being with your friend, but take some rest too..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I'm driving her to the airport today to pick up her daughter. Then I'm not leaning my house for a month! (Except to take walks)

$ 0.01
3 years ago

It's okay! Don't be guilty for that, you deserve a good rest! I hope only good days await for you and your friend.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you for being there for her even when it wasn't easy. Your love and sacrifice would go a long way to bring her to recovery. She needs someone like you around and it's a blessing. You both have a lot in common with farming and gardens.

I wish you both strength, mama.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Whats happening to her right isn't easy. I hope you'll able to cheer her up so that she won't always thought negative things about herself. You're such a good friend maam. Don't leave her side she needs someone like you. But don't forget to take a rest also.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I'm very sorry about what your friend has been going through. It's heartbreaking. You are being a great support to her and it's normal that you feel exhausted. I completely identify with you when you talk about being overwhelmed by people. I'm also quite an introvert and when I feel overwhelmed I just want to be under a blanket reading a book. I hope your friend feels better as the days go by.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I pray she get through it, it just a phase of her life she will surely get over it with people like you are her.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

she had it really really tough...i hope she recovere quickly..glad you're always there for her..

God Bless!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I admire your selflessness. I am an introvert too and it is really hard to pull myself out of the box of comfort. But with your effort, you are a real friend. She's indeed lucky to have such friend as you. May she be okay.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Oh so sorry for the way you feel but this is quite sacrificial. I hope your friend gets better soon enough so that you will also have a good time to rest and run back to your corner with your books lol I hope where you guys are going today will help her feel relaxed.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I can feel your friend's hurt especially when she thinks she pushed her companion and now he is gone. She shouldn't be too much worried or sad because what I can say is that it's just a coincidence to have gone like that.

You also tried for her. Trying to make her feel good and not sad as you have done your best for her. I hope she comes out of her grief soon. The dead is gone.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I admire you for doing that to someone needing help despite you feeling not so comfortable and getting exhausted too. I hope you both will have an wesome day.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Every day is a little bit easier for her. I just have to get through till tomorrow. She has to get through the rest of her life.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That's right, and thanks to a beautiful soul like you, she's getting though some of her tough days a little better.

$ 0.00
3 years ago