Javascript Electrum Library

15 1073

In the last couple of months I've been working on a decentralized finance product for an upcoming company building Bitcoin Cash applications. Reliability is very important for us but I've been having some issues with the public and free rest API.

Initially my thought was to replicate the backend and run it in-house, but it was relatively difficult to set up and manage, which led me to look for alternatives. I wanted something simple and reliable, with as few dependencies and set up costs as possible, with existing libraries available on NPM so I could integrate easily with the rest of my stack.

Knowing that the Electron Cash wallet has been around for a long time and seeing that Bitcoin Unlimited is building out an Electrum backend to use with their node software, I decided to look for libraries on NPM. There was more than a handful and many of them advertised that they were entirely free from dependencies.

But... nothing really worked for me.

I tried a bunch of libraries but due to various issues nothing really seemed to work. The NPM statistics showing just a handful of downloads per week for most libraries, the code quality being consistently low rated and most of them being old and unmaintained speaks for itself.

The feature set is also wildly broad with a lot of overlap with most libraries supporting most functionality, but none really supporting all, like encrypted connections, persistent connections, notification subscription, versioning support and so on.

Well, how hard can it be? Lets just build my own!

The protocol seemed fairly well documented and even though none of the existing libraries fit my needs I had plenty of code to learn from and reference, so I got started.

It took me a while, but now I have a library thats easy to use, encrypted by default, and has clean and easy to read code. Let's go over some examples and showcase how it works.

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How to get started

The library is open source and published to NPM under the electrum-cash name, so you can install it like you would any other NPM library:

npm install electrum-cash

You can read the source code and technical documentation on gitlab.

Standalone client

The simplest setup is to connect to a single server of your choice. While this looks very basic, under the hood you are actually getting a persistent, encrypted network connection with automatic keep-alive messages and built-in version negotiation and enforcement.

// Load the electrum library.
const ElectrumClient = require('electrum-cash').Client;

// Wrap the application in an async function to allow use of await/async.
const main = async function()
	// Initialize an electrum client.
	const electrum = new ElectrumClient('MyApplication', '1.4.1', '');

	// Wait for the client to connect.
	await electrum.connect();

	// Declare an example transaction ID.
	const transactionID = '4db095f34d632a4daf942142c291f1f2abb5ba2e1ccac919d85bdc2f671fb251';

	// Request the full transaction hex for the transaction ID.
	const transactionHex = await electrum.request('blockchain.transaction.get', transactionID);

	// Print out the transaction hex.

	// Close the connection.
	await electrum.disconnect();

// Run the application.

Multiple clients (Clusters)

For professional use, having a single point of failure is not an acceptable outcome. Integrating network reliability directly in an application lets you build the best user interface but has a higher development cost and is prone to difficult errors such as race conditions.

By building these features into the library instead, you get to spend more time building on your application, and less time fighting network based backend problems.

From a usage perspective there is very little change, just change from using a Client to using a Cluster and provide some basic setup configuration.


With a cluster, you can add more than one server and if a server goes down the library will automatically mark the server as unavailable and send your requests to different servers on your server list.

When the server becomes available again, it is automatically re-enabled.

Low latency

If your application requires consistent short response times, adding multiple servers and requesting data from them in parallel, then using the first available response allows you to run your application with the latency of the fastest server at all times.

High integrity

If you're not running your own servers, or your requirements are very stringent you can configure the cluster to cross-verify multiple server responses before handing them over to your application.

By doing so you ensure that no single server can provide you with fraudulent data, but the latency of the response will be longer as we need to wait for more servers to respond before giving the data to your application.

Blind privacy

Using a single server has the privacy benefit that you're only disclosing information to a single peer. For clusters you would instead use a large number of servers to spread your requests making it difficult for any single server to determine the context for your actions.

Bringing it together to build a reliable, performant setup

If you don't have any specific requirements and just want the backend to work and get out of your way, you can strike a balance between reliability and performance by getting all of the good stuff together.

Configure the cluster to have a decent integrity confidence with at least two servers having to be consistent, set it to poll a handful of servers and then add as many servers as you want to have for backup. The default strategy for selecting which servers to poll is random, so you automatically get some load-balancing as well.

// Load the electrum library.
const ElectrumCluster = require('electrum-cash').Cluster;

// Wrap the application in an async function to allow use of await/async.
const main = async function()
	// Initialize an electrum cluster where 2 out of 3 needs to be consistent, polled randomly with fail-over.
	const electrum = new ElectrumCluster('MyApplication', '1.4.1', 2, 3, ElectrumCluster.ORDER.RANDOM);

	// Add some servers to the cluster.
	electrum.addServer('', 51002);

	// Wait for enough connections to be available.
	await electrum.ready();

	// Declare an example transaction ID.
	const transactionID = '4db095f34d632a4daf942142c291f1f2abb5ba2e1ccac919d85bdc2f671fb251';

	// Request the full transaction hex for the transaction ID.
	const transactionHex = await electrum.request('blockchain.transaction.get', transactionID);

	// Print out the transaction hex.

	// Close all connections.
	await electrum.shutdown();

// Run the application.

$ 108.68
$ 100.00 from @molecular
$ 2.00 from @im_uname
$ 1.00 from @emergent_reasons
+ 7


You're doing a good work

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Very good article brother... Keep it up...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This is awesome! Thank you so much for opensourcing!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Awesome! We really considered using Electron backends, but we couldn't figure out how to connect to it from JavaScript, so we've created a golang proxy :) Kudos for creating it. Though for us frankly GRPC from BCHD works extremely well.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

So far GRPC seems to be working well enough for your needs, so I wouldn't advice you to change. There's also a bit of an issue to use Electrum in a browser since they don't support raw TCP/TLS connections yet - only websockets.

There is websocket proxies for Electrum, but that is more backend work.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yeah, I wonder why Electrum doesn't support WebSockets out-of-box, it seems like it should be of great use and I can't see any downsides.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

The protocol fully supports it, but the backend servers haven't gotten to it. With the renewed focus by fulcrum and electrs, maybe this is something that can be fixed.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Anyway - it's a cool library you've made! Next step: HD wallets support?

$ 0.00
4 years ago

This is so fantastic! I can't wait to take a look at the source .. I'm interested in implementing CashFusion for, but I haven't even had starting point until now :-)

also, finally have a link to the Electrum Protocol AND an actual Electrum server implementation, which I've been looking for a while now (I'd like to try running my own -- for educational purposes)

I'm very motivated right now...

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Glad to have helped. The source code is on gitlab and linked in the article, and it's fully open source. Feel free to have a peek, submit bug reports or ask questions. <3

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Feel free to have a peek, submit bug reports or ask questions.

i also hope to be able to add some value (in code) as well ;-)

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Nice topic. From your article i have known to many things. Thank you so much for sharing a very important post.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

What is eluctum??electum is other electric type??please reply the answer

$ 0.00
4 years ago