Learn English With Snow - Lesson #3 - Personal Pronouns (Subject Pronouns)

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4 years ago

Greetings my dear students and learners. My name is Jon Snow and today we are going to experience a new English class. Last week we took an in depth look regarding The Definite Article and its rules.

Today's lesson is about the Personal Pronouns, specifically Subjects Pronouns. Let's get started, shall we?

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Personal Pronouns

A personal pronoun is a word which we use to identify someone or something. It basically replaces a noun in order to identify it in a different way in a sentence. They are quite common and we use them in our everyday conversations or speech.

Personal Pronouns are divided in two: Subject Pronouns and Object pronouns. For the purposes of this lesson we are only going to focus on Subject Pronouns.

As stated before, we use personal pronouns to identify a person or a thing. In the case of Subject Pronouns, they are the ones who execute the action of the verb, therefore, their position in a sentence or speech is before the verb; It's pretty clear verbs don't perform actions by themselves that's why sentences need a noun or a subject pronoun.

Subject Pronouns

In Spanish we use to say "primero Yo, Segundo Tú, y tercero los demas" which means I first, You second, and third anybody else which surely applies when identifying what person or thing the speaker is talking about. Remember subject pronouns are the subject of the verb.

Let's see some examples:

  • I play soccer everyday. (first person, singular)

  • You studied a lot. (second person, singular)

  • He sings country music. (third person, singular, male)

  • She ate pizza last Monday. (third person, singular, female)

  • The dog is barking, it is very loud (third person, singular, neuter)

  • We enjoy dancing on the streets (first person, plural)

  • You spent too much time looking at the T.V. boys. (second person, plural)

  • They traveled New York by plane. (third person, plural, neuter)

There are a few things to highlight. First notice the position of the Subject Pronouns, they are before the verbs. We use He to represent a male. We use She to identify a female. Use singular subject nouns when you speak about one person or thing. Use plural nouns when you speak about more than one person or thing.

There are some cases where the noun can't be identified as man or a woman. Let's find out.

  • You should go to your Doctor. He or she may heal you.

  • You should go to your Doctor. He may heal you.

  • You should go to a Doctor. They may heal you.

As can be seen, the speaker doesn't know if the Doctor is a male or female person. These three solutions are correct but I would use the neuter subject pronoun. (they)

Regarding the subject pronoun It, we use it for most animals and singular things; If the animal is a pet you can refer to it as he or she (exception), In the case of ships (object, thing) English speakers commonly use she to identify it when using a subject pronoun (another exception). We can also use It to identify somebody as for describing weather, temperature, time, and distance.

Let's look at the examples.

  • She loves her new PS4, It is a great console (object, thing)

  • What's happening to the dog, It looks sick. (animal)

  • Have you seen Jon? He is a big wolf. (exception)

  • The Cyrene is a huge ship, she must be fast, too. (exception)

  • Who is that beautiful tennis player? It's Venus Williams. (identifying someone)

  • It's Three o'clock.

  • It's 35 °C in Venezuela.

  • It's a 300 square feet building.


Personal Pronoun: A word which we use to identify someone or something, it represents a noun.
Adjective: A word which is used to describe a person, animal, object or thing.
Noun: A word which is used to identify people, animals, objects, things. Ex: Maria, Cat, Apple, Car.

About upcoming posts and final thoughts.

First of all, Thank you! for getting up until this point, that means you were an honest reader and paid close attention to the lesson.

If you have any questions, something to add or correct, or whatever information you need about the lessons, please feel free to ask on the comments. You can also reach me out on Discord (jonsnow1983#6946) or Twitter https://twitter.com/TheRealSnowJon

If you enjoyed this lesson please help my cause and support it so more people would have the chance to learn more in-depth about this beautiful and important language.

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4 years ago
