My Granddaughter and I Made Some NFTs (*Giveaway*)

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My granddaughter & I just spent about a month building an NFT collection together. 

In the process, we learned quite a bit about Blockchain technology, specifically smart contracts and web3 minting DApps as well as coding.

I'm not someone who's ever going to claim to be a Blockchain developer or even a competent coder. But, there are a few really educational resources out there that really guided us well. I struggled some, but just like I encouraged my granddaughter throughout the process, she also was my biggest cheerleader!

My granddaughter is the future, a 14 year old girl that I'm doing everything in my power to assist and educate about being the best she can be, and I believe wholeheartedly that Blockchain is not only her, but everyone's future. She loves drawing and painting, and so we worked very hard to build out this collection with the aspirations that she can use the funds she makes to invest into her future.

If you'd like to brighten both her and my day, check out our minting DApp at Fishbowl Minting DApp and check out some of our first mintings at

Lastly, the reason you're here: the giveaway!

If you want to enter for a chance to win, head over to our Twitter NFT Giveaway

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