Buying A Pizza With Bitcoin Cash: A Conundrum

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I've got a dilemma. I'm a Bitcoin Cash believer. I believe in the whole shebang. I am enamored. I love the speed. I love the fact that it's transaction fees aren't high. I like green as a color. I like that I could buy a pizza with it if I do so choose. There's like 14 pizzerias within about 15-20 minutes of my home that accept BCH as a form of payment. And yet, therein lies the rub, I don't have enough. BCH that is.

Now, mind you I do. I've got a little pile that hovers between about $120 and $150 depending on the whims of the market. So, feasibly I could order a few pizzas. I could literally have a "BCH Pizza Party". But, then what? I'd have pizza and no more BCH. I'd ever so slowly accumulate more through faucet games, and, but it'd take me well over another month to get back to the point where I could afford another pizza party. What happens in between? Do I succumb to the fear of missing out and start exchanging my relatively diverse portfolio into just BCH? And, then perhaps my rampant anxiety does a 180° turn, and I fear I may miss out on another Crypto potentially mooning. So, then I make poor decisions and lose more of my investment, and I fall deeper into a black hole of poorly made Crypto decisions.

All because I want to use my BCH to buy a pizza. I want to demonstrate a real world use for a badass Cryptocurrency. Honestly, that'd just be super cool. I mean, I could just walk into a pizza shop, order a mushroom and sausage with extra cheese, and when the cashier says, "cash or card?", I'd get to say, " Cash. Bitcoin Cash" as I proudly hold my head high, puff out my chest and for a moment make anyone else standing in line waiting to order wonder who this interesting fellow is paying with some form of magical internet money.

Now I can put some more t-shirt money into my account at the end of the month. I would do that either way. But, I'll be "behind". I'd feel like I'm playing more catch-up. All because of my desire to be the cool Crypto kid and enjoy a slice of of pizza paid for in Crypto.

So I suppose the real question is... When is enough enough? When should I treat myself to Bitcoin Cash pizza? Should I at all?

See? The struggle is real. I'm sure that some of you have real world problems that my pizza problem pales in comparison to. But, here and now, this is my struggle. Tomorrow may bring real trials and tribulations...but right now, it's simple: should I spend some BCH on a pizza or not!

Peace (and BCH) to you all.

$ 0.59
$ 0.59 from @TheRandomRewarder


If buying a box of pizza is not going to put a serious dent on your BCH pile, and it is possible to purchase it using bitcoin cash, why deprive yourself? If anything, it will only prove to the world still unaware of crypto as functional currency, that it can be spent just like fiat.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hell yeah, you should definitly go and buy some Pizza with your BCH!

Let me tell you something a friend told me 😅 He uses all his Noise.Cash and Read.Cash money as "play money". Due to regulations and other stuff, it is almost impossible to transfer it to FIAT without spending 60% + in taxes etc and where he lives he can't use it to buy anything. So he can't use it and putting it into his "real" portfolio would be an expensive pain in the ass. So go on and spend it! Another thing you could do with it is buying gift cards. Check out "", you can spend Crypto and receive gift cards. But If I (I mean my friend) would be you, he would definitly go and buy some Pizza with it!

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Sadly, no. Because you can put away BCH and earn higher interest than any fiat can. So just buy with fiat. Or get yourself a crypto credit card. They can you pay with credit fiat and get crypto rewards. Win-win. :)

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Great thinking! Thanks for the comment.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

There is no question. I would just calculate all that I would pay for pizza for the next year and put it into Bitcoin Cash. Instead of using fiat I would pay for all the pizza I would buy with BCH instead.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Clever! Good thinking.

$ 0.00
3 years ago